4 remote programming reference and phase commands – SRS Labs SR850 User Manual
Page 180

Remote Programming
PHAS (?) {x}
The PHAS command sets or queries the reference phase shift. The
parameter x is the phase (real number of degrees). The PHAS x com-
mand will set the phase shift to x. The value of x will be rounded to
0.001°. The phase may be programmed from -360.000
and will be wrapped around at ±180°. For example, the PHAS 541.0
command will set the phase to -179.000° (541-360=181=-179). The
PHAS? queries the phase shift.
FMOD (?) {i}
The FMOD command sets or queries the reference source. The parame-
ter i selects internal (i=0), internal sweep (i=1) or external (i=2).
FREQ (?) {f}
The FREQ command sets or queries the reference frequency. The
FREQ? query command will return the reference frequency (in internal or
external mode). The FREQ? query reads the frequency displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
The FREQ f command sets the frequency of the internal oscillator. This
command is allowed only if the reference source is internal. The parame-
ter f is a frequency (real number of Hz). The value of f will be rounded to
5 digits or 0.0001 Hz, whichever is greater. The value of f is limited to
102000. If the harmonic number is greater than 1, then the
frequency is limited to nxf
102 kHz where n is the harmonic number.
SWPT (?) {i}
The SWPT command sets or queries the type of frequency sweep when
the reference source in internal sweep. The parameter i=0 selects linear
and i=1 selects logarithmic. The sweep type may not be changed while a
scan (sweep) is in progress.
SLLM (?) {f}
The SLLM command sets or queries the start frequency of the internal
frequency sweep. This parameter may be set in any reference mode.
The sweep limit may not be changed while a scan (sweep) is in progress.
The parameter f is a frequency (real number of Hz). The value of f will be
rounded to 5 digits or 0.0001 Hz, whichever is greater. The value of f is
limited to 0.001
102000. If the harmonic number is greater than 1,
then the frequency is limited to nxf
102 kHz where n is the harmonic
SULM (?) {f}
The SULM command sets or queries the stop frequency of the internal
frequency sweep. This parameter may be set in any reference mode.
The sweep limit may not be changed while a scan (sweep) is in progress.
The parameter f is a frequency (real number of Hz). The value of f will be
rounded to 5 digits or 0.0001 Hz, whichever is greater. The value of f is
limited to 0.001
102000. If the harmonic number is greater than 1,
then the frequency is limited to nxf
102 kHz where n is the harmonic
RSLP (?) {i}
The RSLP command sets or queries the reference slope when using the
external reference mode. The parameter i selects sine zero crossing
(i=0), TTL rising edge (i=1), , or TTL falling edge (i=2). At frequencies
below 1 Hz, the a TTL reference must be used.