Delphi (pascal) programming interface, Type definition, Include driver – Spectrum Brands MC.31XX User Manual

Page 32: Examples, Driver functions

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MC.31xx Manual

Delphi (Pascal) Programming Interface


Function SpcGetData

Under Linux the additional parameter nBytesPerSample must be used for this function. For all boards with 8 bit resolution the parameter is
„1“, for all boards with 12, 14 or 16 bit resolution this parameter has to be „2“, when reading timestamps this parameter has to be „8“.
Under Linux the value „hDrv“ must contain the handle that was given back by the open function of that specific board. Under Linux the return
value is not an error code but is the number of bytes that has been read.

Function SpcGetData (Linux)

Delphi (Pascal) Programming Interface

Type definition

All Spectrum driver functions are using pre-defined variable types to cover different operating systems and to use the same driver interface
for all programming languages. Under Delphi it is necessary to define these types once. This is also shown in the examples delivered on CD.

Delphi type definition:

In the example shown above the size of data is defined to „smallint“. This definition is only valid for boards
that have a sample resolution of 12, 14 or 16 bit. On 8 bit boards this has to be a „shortint“ type.

Include Driver

To include the driver functions into delphi it is necessary to first add them to the implementation section of the program file. There the name
of the function and the location in the dll is defined:

Driver implementation:


Examples for Delphi can be found on CD in the directory /Examples/delphi. There is one subdirectory for each board family. You’ll find
board specific examples for that family there. The examples are bus type independent. As a result that means that the MI30xx directory con-
tains examples for the MI.30xx, the MC.30xx and the MX.30xx families. The example directories contain a running project file for Borland
Delphi that can be directly loaded and compiled.

Driver functions

The driver contains five functions to access the hardware.

Function SpcInitPCIBoard
This function initializes all installed PCI, PXI and CompactPCI boards. The boards are recognized automatically. All installation parameters
are read out from the hardware and stored in the driver. The number of PCI boards will be given back in the value Count and the version of
the PCI bus itself will be given back in the value PCIVersion.

Function SpcSetParam
All hardware settings are based on software registers that can be set by the function SpcSetParam. This function sets a register to a defined
value or executes a command. The board must first be initialized. The available software registers for the driver are listed in the board specific
part of the documentation below.

int16 SpcGetData (int16 nr, int16 ch, int32 start, int32 len, dataptr data);

int32 SpcGetData (int hDrv, int32 lCh, int32 lStart, int32 lLen, int16 nBytesPerSample, dataptr pvData)

int8 = shortint;
pint8 = ^shortint;
int16 = smallint;
pint16 = ^smallint;
int32 = longint;
pint32 = ^longint;
data = array[1..MEMSIZE] of smallint;
dataptr = ^data;

function SpcSetData (nr,ch:int16; start,len:int32; data:dataptr): int16; cdecl; external 'SPECTRUM.DLL';
function SpcGetData (nr,ch:int16; start,len:int32; data:dataptr): int16; cdecl; external 'SPECTRUM.DLL';
function SpcSetParam (nr:int16; reg,value: int32): int16; cdecl; external 'SPECTRUM.DLL';
function SpcGetParam (nr:int16; reg:int32; value:pint32): int16; cdecl; external 'SPECTRUM.DLL';
function SpcInitPCIBoards (count,PCIVersion: pint16): int16; cdecl; external 'SPECTRUM.DLL';