Notational conventions, Xii ds6708 digital scanner product reference guide – Symbol Technologies DS6708 User Manual
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DS6708 Digital Scanner Product Reference Guide
Chapter 9, Wand Emulation Interface
describes how to set up the digital scanner with a Wand Emulation
host when Wand Emulation communication is needed.
Chapter 10, Keyboard Wedge Interface
describes how to set up a Keyboard Wedge interface with the
digital scanner.
Chapter 11, Scanner Emulation Interface
describes how to set up the digital scanner with an Undecoded
Scanner Emulation host.
Chapter 12, 123Scan
describes the 123Scan PC-based scanner configuration tool, and provides the bar
code to scan to communicate with the 123Scan program.
describes all symbology features and provides the programming bar codes
necessary for selecting these features for the digital scanner.
Chapter 14, Advanced Data Formatting
(ADF) describes how to customize scanned data before
transmitting to the host.
Appendix A, Standard Default Parameters
provides a table of all host devices and miscellaneous
scanner defaults.
Appendix B, Programming Reference
provides a table of AIM code identifiers, ASCII character
conversions, and keyboard maps.
Appendix C, Sample Bar Codes
includes sample bar codes.
Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes
includes the numeric bar codes to scan for parameters requiring
specific numeric values.
Appendix E, ASCII Character Sets
provides ASCII character value tables.
Notational Conventions
The following conventions are used in this document:
Italics are used to highlight the following:
Chapters and sections in this and related documents
Dialog box, window and screen names
Drop-down list and list box names
Check box and radio button names
Bold text is used to highlight the following:
Key names on a keypad
Button names on a screen.
bullets (•) indicate:
Action items
Lists of alternatives
Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential
Sequential lists (e.g., those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.