Vpn bandwidth management, Vpn policies, Currently active vpn tunnels – SonicWALL Internet Security Appliances User Manual
Page 178

SonicWALL VPN Page 179
in the Failure Trigger Level (missed heartbeats) field. The default value is 3. If the trigger level
is reached, the VPN connection is dropped by the SonicWALL. The SonicWALL uses a UDP pack-
et protected by Phase 1 Encryption as the heartbeat.
VPN Bandwidth Management
You can allocate bandwidth to all outbound VPN traffic. To enable VPN Bandwidth Management,
select Enable VPN Bandwidth Management, and enter the amount of bandwidth in Kbps for VPN
guaranteed bandwidth and VPN maximum bandwidth. Select VPN bandwidth priority from the VPN
bandwidth priority menu, 0 (highest) to 7 (lowest).
Tip Bandwidth management is available only on outbound VPN traffic. You cannot configure
individual Security Associations to use bandwidth management.
VPN Policies
This section displays all of the VPN configurations in the SonicWALL appliance. If you click the name
of the security association, the security association settings are displayed. The Security Association,
Group VPN, is a default setting.
Currently Active VPN Tunnels
A list of currently active VPN tunnels is displayed in this section. The table lists the name of the SA,
the local LAN IP addresses, and the remote destination network IP addresses as well as the Peer
Gateway IP address.