SonicWALL Internet Security Appliances User Manual
Page 139

Page 140 SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Use RADIUS - Select Use Radius if you have configured RADIUS to authenticate users accessing
the network through the SonicWALL. If you have more than 100 users requiring authentication,
you must use a RADIUS server. If you select Use RADIUS, users must log into the SonicWALL
using HTTPS in order to encrypt the password sent to the SonicWALL. If a user attempts to log
into the SonicWALL using HTTP, the browser is automatically redirected to HTTPS.
Allow only users listed below - Enable this setting if you have a subset of RADIUS users
accessing the SonicWALL. The user names must be added to the internal SonicWALL user
database before they can be authenticated using RADIUS.
Authenticate users listed below - Selecting this option allows you to configure users in the local
database. To add new users, fill out the User Name, Password, and Confirm Password fields,
then select from the list of privileges allowed for the user:
- Remote Access - Enable this check box if the user accesses LAN resources through the firewall
from a remote location on the Internet.
Alert By enabling Remote Access, you allow unencrypted traffic over the Internet.
- Bypass Filters - Enable Bypass Filters if the user has unlimited access to the Internet from the
LAN, bypassing Web, News, Java, and ActiveX blocking.
- Access to VPNs - Enable the check box if the user can send information over the VPN Security
Associations with authentication enforcement.
- Access from the VPN Client with XAUTH - Enable the check box if the user requires XAUTH for
authentication and accesses the firewall via a VPN client.
- Limited Management Capabilities - By enabling this check box, the user has limited local
management access to the SonicWALL Management interface. The access is limited to the
following pages:
General - Status, Network, Time
Log - View Log, Log Settings, Log Reports
Tools - Restart, Diagnostics minus Tech Support Report
Tip The SonicWALL supports up to 100 users requiring RADIUS authentication in the local database.
Adding and Removing a User
Alert You must add a user to the Local Database to enforce access privileges.
To add a new user, complete the following steps.
1. Log into the Management interface, click Access, then Users.
2. Highlight -Add New User- in the Current User list box.
3. Enter the name of a user into the User Name field.
4. Enter the user password in the Password and Confirm Password field. The password is
5. Choose the privileges to be enabled for the user by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
6. Click Update to add the user to the SonicWALL database.
7. To remove a user, highlight the User Name, and click Remove User.