Messages, Reference
Table of contents
Document Outline
- About messages
- Safety and environmental notices
- Summary of Changes for GC26-7659-04 IBM TotalStorage DS8000
- Chapter 1. Framework messages
- CMMCI9001E Command command_name resulted in an internal server error (error number return_code). View the log file for details.
- CMMCI9002I Command command_name halted.
- CMMCI9003W No object_name instances found in the system.
- CMMCI9004E Cannot modify object_type object_name because it does not exist.
- CMMCI9005I There is nothing to modify.
- CMMCI9006E No class_type instances object_name found that match criteria: criteria.
- CMMCI9007E object_type object_name does not exist.
- CMMCI9008I Unsupported command command_name completed successfully.
- CMMCI9009E The unsupported command_name command failed with a value return_code
- CMMCI9010E The command did not complete successfully.
- CMMCI9013E Command: command_name was not found.
- CMMCI9014E The parameter -parameter_name is not valid.
- CMMCI9015E The value value for parameter -parameter_name is not formatted correctly.
- CMMCI9016E Missing parameter name after -.
- CMMCI9017E Parameter parameter_name is already specified.
- CMMCI9018E Parameter parameter_name is missing a required value.
- CMMCI9019E The value for parameter_name: value is not valid.
- CMMCI9021E Command command_name is not formatted correctly.
- CMMCI9022E Missing required parameter: parameter_name.
- CMMCI9023E parameter_name is mutually exclusive of parameter_name
- CMMCI9024E value exceeds the maximum allowable value of maximum_value for the parameter command_name
- CMMCI9025E value does not meet the minimum allowable value of minimum_value for the parameter parameter_name
- CMMCI9026E Unmatched character_value characters.
- CMMCI9027E Invalid value for parameter_name. The length exceeds maximum_length characters.
- CMMCI9028E The value value specified for parameter parameter_value is not valid.
- CMMCI9029E object_type object_name does not exist.
- CMMCI9030E Value value cannot be accepted with any other value for the -parameter_name parameter.
- CMMCI9031E The help page for command command_name does not exist.
- CMMCI9032E You must specify parameter parameter_name if you specify parameter parameter_name
- CMMCI9033E File file_name does not exist.
- CMMCI9034E Parameter parameter_name cannot be used in the same command as parameter parameter_name.
- CMMCI9035E object_type object_name already exists.
- CMMCI9036E The value value for parameter -parameter_name is already specified.
- CMMCI9037E Multiple targets not allowed for command command_name
- CMMCI9038E You cannot specify multiple values when using the parameter_name parameter.
- CMMCI9039E The value value for parameter_name is not valid. It contains unsupported characters.
- CMMCI9040E The value value for the parameter parameter_name is not valid. It contains unsupported characters.
- CMMCI9041E The value for parameter_name is not valid. You must specify either value1 or value2.
- CMMCI9042E The value for the parameter -parameter_name cannot contain a value.
- CMMCI9043E Number of entries (entries) is exceeded for the -parameter_name parameter.
- CMMCI9044E Entry entry_value exceeds the length limit (entry_limit) for one item for the -parameter_name parameter.
- CMMCI9045E The value for -parameter_name must be operator the current setting of value.
- CMMCI9046E Unrecognized syntax error in command command_name
- CMMCI9047E Cannot run command_name as a command within the application_name application. Tip: Enter "help command_name" for more information.
- CMMCI9048E The date provided: date_value is invalid. Tip: Correct format for the date field is YYYY-MM-DD
- CMMCI9049E You must specify one flag from the following group when issuing this command: param_group.
- CMMCI9050E The "-" option is not valid in interactive mode. Tip: If you intended to use this as a value substitution indicator, you must enter the value.
- CMUF00000E You must enter a user name.
- CMUF00001E You must enter a password.
- CMUF00002E You must enter a user name and a password.
- CMUF00003E An unexpected error has occurred.
- Chapter 2. DS command-line interface messages
- CMUC00000I COMMAND_INFO Extent pool VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00001I COMMAND_INFO Extent pool VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00002W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete extent pool EXTENT_POOL_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00003I COMMAND_INFO Extent pool VALUE_0 successfully deleted.
- CMUC00004I COMMAND_INFO Array VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00005W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete array ARRAY_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00006I COMMAND_INFO Array VALUE_0 successfully deleted.
- CMUC00007I COMMAND_INFO Rank VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00008I COMMAND_INFO Rank VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00009W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete rank RANK_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00010I COMMAND_INFO Rank VALUE_0 successfully deleted. NOTE: The rank might still be visible to queries until reformatting completes.
- CMUC00011I COMMAND_INFO I/O Port VALUE_0 successfully configured.
- CMUC00012I COMMAND_INFO Host connection VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00013I COMMAND_INFO Host connection VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00014W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete host connection HOST_CONNECT_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00015I COMMAND_INFO Host connection VALUE_0 successfully deleted.
- CMUC00016I COMMAND_INFO Port group number PORT_GROUP successfully modified.
- CMUC00017I COMMAND_INFO LCU VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00018I COMMAND_INFO LCU VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00019W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete LCU LCU_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00020I COMMAND_INFO LCU VALUE_0 successfully deleted.
- CMUC00021I COMMAND_INFO CKD Volume VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00022I COMMAND_INFO CKD Volume VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00023W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete CKD volume VOLUME_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00024I COMMAND_INFO CKD volume VALUE_0 successfully deleted.
- CMUC00025I COMMAND_INFO FB volume VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00026I COMMAND_INFO FB volume VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00027W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete FB volume VOLUME_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00028I COMMAND_INFO FB volume VALUE_0 successfully deleted.
- CMUC00029I COMMAND_INFO LSS VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00030I COMMAND_INFO Volume group VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00031I COMMAND_INFO Volume group VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00032W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete volume group VOLGRP_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00033I COMMAND_INFO Volume group VALUE_0 successfully deleted.
- CMUC00034W COMMAND_INFO Data can be lost. You have requested an operation that discards a portion of the volume. Are you sure that you want to delete tracks START to END on volume VOLUME_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00035I COMMAND_INFO Pinned tracks START to END on volume VOLUME_ID successfully deleted.
- CMUC00036W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to reset the access state for volume VOLUME_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00037I COMMAND_INFO Access state for volume VOLUME_ID successfully reset.
- CMUC00038W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to clear volume VOLUME_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00039I COMMAND_INFO No FlashCopy or Remote Mirror and Copy relationships exist for volume VOLUME_ID. The volume is clear.
- CMUC00040I COMMAND_INFO Storage complex VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00041I COMMAND_INFO Storage unit VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00042I COMMAND_INFO Storage image VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00043I COMMAND_INFO Environment variable successfully set.
- CMUC00044E COMMAND_INFO Unknown error returned by management console server.
- CMUC00045E COMMAND_INFO ERROR_CODE Unknown error code returned by management console server.
- CMUC00046E COMMAND_INFO Failure returned by management console server.
- CMUC00047E COMMAND_INFO Resource VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00048E COMMAND_INFO Array site VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00049E COMMAND_INFO Array ID VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00050E COMMAND_INFO Rank ID VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00051E COMMAND_INFO Extent pool VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00052E COMMAND_INFO Storage image VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00053E COMMAND_INFO I/O port VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00054E COMMAND_INFO LSS VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00055E COMMAND_INFO Storage image ID VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00056E COMMAND_INFO Storage image VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00057E COMMAND_INFO Volume group VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00058E COMMAND_INFO Volume VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00059E COMMAND_INFO Storage complex VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00060E COMMAND_INFO Enclosure VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00061E COMMAND_INFO CEC enclosure VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00062E COMMAND_INFO Storage management console enclosure VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00063E COMMAND_INFO I/O enclosure VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00064E COMMAND_INFO Processor complex enclosure VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00065E COMMAND_INFO Frame enclosure VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00066E COMMAND_INFO Storage enclosure VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00067E COMMAND_INFO FRU VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00068E COMMAND_INFO Host connection VALUE_0 does not exist.
- CMUC00069E COMMAND_INFO Invalid storage image ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00070E COMMAND_INFO Inconsistent storage image ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00072E COMMAND_INFO Invalid array site ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00073E COMMAND_INFO Invalid array ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00074E COMMAND_INFO Invalid Rank ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00075E COMMAND_INFO Invalid extent pool ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00076E COMMAND_INFO Invalid address group VALUE_0.
- CMUC00077E COMMAND_INFO Invalid storage image ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00078E COMMAND_INFO Invalid I/O port VALUE_0.
- CMUC00080E COMMAND_INFO Invalid storage unit ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00081E COMMAND_INFO Invalid storage server ID VALUE_0.
- CMUC00082E COMMAND_INFO Invalid volume group VALUE_0.
- CMUC00083E COMMAND_INFO Invalid volume VALUE_0.
- CMUC00084E COMMAND_INFO The specified parameter VALUE_0 is out of range.
- CMUC00085E COMMAND_INFO The specified parameter VALUE_0 is invalid.
- CMUC00086E COMMAND_INFO Invalid topology TOPOLOGY specified for I/O port PORT.
- CMUC00087E COMMAND_INFO The specified LCU VALUE_0 is invalid.
- CMUC00088E COMMAND_INFO The specified LCU VALUE_0 already exists.
- CMUC00089E COMMAND_INFO The specified ID VALUE_0 is not an LCU.
- CMUC00090E COMMAND_INFO The specified ID VALUE_0 is not an LSS.
- CMUC00091E COMMAND_INFO The specified SSID VALUE_0 is invalid.
- CMUC00092E COMMAND_INFO The specified volume ID VALUE_0 already exists.
- CMUC00093E COMMAND_INFO The specified volume VALUE_0 is not type CKD.
- CMUC00094E COMMAND_INFO The specified volume VALUE_0 is not of type FB.
- CMUC00095E COMMAND_INFO No storage image ID is specified.
- CMUC00096E COMMAND_INFO No remote storage image ID is specified.
- CMUC00097E COMMAND_INFO A single storage image ID is specified. A pair of storage image IDs is required for this command.
- CMUC00098E COMMAND_INFO A pair of storage image IDs is specified. A single storage image ID is required for this command.
- CMUC00099E COMMAND_INFO A single subsystem ID VALUE_0 is specified. A pair of subsystem IDs is required for this command.
- CMUC00100E COMMAND_INFO A pair of subsystem IDs VALUE_0 is specified. A single subsystem ID is required for this command.
- CMUC00101E COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy pairs VALUE_0 are persistent. The -wait option cannot be specified for persistent pairs.
- CMUC00102E COMMAND_INFO The -cp option must be used in conjunction with the -wait option.
- CMUC00103E COMMAND_INFO When specifying the -range parameter, the starting and ending volume IDs must be on the same storage image.
- CMUC00104E COMMAND_INFO The specified options for this command are incompatible or invalid: VALUE_0
- CMUC00105E COMMAND_INFO The following parameters are incompatible: VALUE_0.
- CMUC00106E COMMAND_INFO The parameter value VALUE_0 is larger than the maximum allowable value: VALUE_1.
- CMUC00107E COMMAND_INFO The parameter value VALUE_0 is smaller than the minimum allowable value: VALUE_1.
- CMUC00108E COMMAND_INFO The Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair must be in full-duplex mode before the host server can read from target volumes.
- CMUC00109E COMMAND_INFO The -uconditional flag is invalid unless it is used in conjunction with the -at parameter.
- CMUC00110E COMMAND_INFO No matching candidate connection found.
- CMUC00111E COMMAND_INFO One or more of the specified volumes is not within the specified LSS.
- CMUC00112E COMMAND_INFO Port candidate VALUE_0 is not available for an ESCON connection.
- CMUC00113E COMMAND_INFO Record VALUE_1 already exists in password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00114E COMMAND_INFO Record VALUE_1 does not exist in password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00115E COMMAND_INFO User account file VALUE_0 not found.
- CMUC00116E COMMAND_INFO User account file FILE_NAME is used for another user.
- CMUC00117E COMMAND_INFO Unable to create password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00118E COMMAND_INFO Unable to update password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00119E COMMAND_INFO Invalid password format.
- CMUC00120E COMMAND_INFO Invalid password.
- CMUC00121E COMMAND_INFO Invalid account file VALUE_0 for user USERNAME.
- CMUC00122E COMMAND_INFO Invalid admin user.
- CMUC00123E COMMAND_INFO Unable to create user account USERNAME.
- CMUC00124E COMMAND_INFO Unable to assign user USERNAME to group GROUP.
- CMUC00125E COMMAND_INFO Unable to modify user group to NEW_GROUP.
- CMUC00126E COMMAND_INFO Unable to modify password.
- CMUC00127E COMMAND_INFO Unable to delete user account USERNAME on the management console server.
- CMUC00128E COMMAND_INFO Unable to find a Remote Mirror and Copy path for the specified logical subsystems.
- CMUC00129E COMMAND_INFO All source volumes must be within the same logical subsystem.
- CMUC00130E COMMAND_INFO All target volumes must be within the same logical subsystem.
- CMUC00131E COMMAND_INFO Operation failure
- CMUC00132E COMMAND_INFO Command interrupted. Resubmit the command.
- CMUC00133I COMMAND_INFO User USERNAME successfully created.
- CMUC00134I COMMAND_INFO User USERNAME successfully modified.
- CMUC00135W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete user USERNAME? [y/n]:
- CMUC00136I COMMAND_INFO User USERNAME successfully deleted.
- CMUC00137I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy pair VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00138I COMMAND_INFO Background copy for FlashCopy pair VALUE_0 successful.
- CMUC00139E COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy pair VALUE_0 cannot be created.
- CMUC00140I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy pair VALUE_0 successfully removed.
- CMUC00141I COMMAND_INFO Background copy for FlashCopy pair VALUE_0 ended successfully. Relationship successfully removed.
- CMUC00142I COMMAND_INFO Background copy process for FlashCopy pair PAIR_ID successfully started. The relationship will be removed when the copy ends.
- CMUC00143I COMMAND_INFO Background copy process for FlashCopy pair PAIR_ID successfully started. The persistent relationship will not be removed.
- CMUC00144W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to remove the FlashCopy pair PAIR_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00145I COMMAND_INFO Session SESSION_ID opened successfully.
- CMUC00146I COMMAND_INFO Session SESSION_ID closed successfully.
- CMUC00147I COMMAND_INFO Session SESSION_ID successfully modified.
- CMUC00148W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to close session SESSION_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00149I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy path TARGET_LSS successfully established.
- CMUC00150I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy path VALUE_0 successfully removed.
- CMUC00151I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy path VALUE_0 successfully modified.
- CMUC00152W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to remove the Remote Mirror and Copy path PATH_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00153I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00154I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair VALUE_0 relationship successfully created and in full-duplex state.
- CMUC00155I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair VALUE_0 relationship successfully withdrawn.
- CMUC00156I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair VALUE_0 relationship successfully modified.
- CMUC00157I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair VALUE_0 relationship successfully paused.
- CMUC00158I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair VALUE_0 relationship successfully resumed. This message is being returned before the copy completes.
- CMUC00159I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair VALUE_0 relationship successfully resumed and completed. All data has been copied to the target. The relationship is now in full-duplex mode.
- CMUC00160W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to delete the Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship PAIR_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00161W COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy consistency group VALUE_0 successfully created.
- CMUC00162I COMMAND_INFO Global Mirror for session SESSION_ID successfully started.
- CMUC00163I COMMAND_INFO Global Mirror for session SESSION_ID successfully paused.
- CMUC00164I COMMAND_INFO Global Mirror for session SESSION_ID successfully resumed.
- CMUC00165I COMMAND_INFO Global Mirror for session SESSION_ID successfully stopped.
- CMUC00166W COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to stop the Global Mirror session SESSION_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00167I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully made revertible.
- CMUC00168I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully resynchronized.
- CMUC00169I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully reversed.
- CMUC00170I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully committed.
- CMUC00171I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully reverted.
- CMUC00172I COMMAND_INFO FlashCopy consistency group for logical subsystem PAIR_ID successfully reset.
- CMUC00173I COMMAND_INFO Remote FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully created. Use the lsremoteflash command to determine copy completion.
- CMUC00174I COMMAND_INFO Remote FlashCopy pair PAIR_ID successfully made revertible.
- CMUC00175I COMMAND_INFO Remote FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully resynchronized. Use the lsremoteflash command to determine copy completion.
- CMUC00176I COMMAND_INFO Remote FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully committed.
- CMUC00177I COMMAND_INFO Remote FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully reverted.
- CMUC00178I COMMAND_INFO Remote FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID successfully reversed.
- CMUC00179I COMMAND_INFO Are you sure you want to remove the remote FlashCopy pair PAIR_ID? [y/n]:
- CMUC00180I COMMAND_INFO Removal of the remote FlashCopy volume pair PAIR_ID has been initiated successfully. Use the lsremoteflash command to determine when the relationship is deleted.
- CMUC00181E COMMAND_INFO A user name must be specified.
- CMUC00182E COMMAND_INFO No management console IP address is specified.
- CMUC00183E COMMAND_INFO Invalid management console IP address: VALUE_0.
- CMUC00184E COMMAND_INFO Management console server connections cannot be changed during an interactive or script session.
- CMUC00185E Unable to access CLI user profile file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00186E User profile file FILE_NAME. not found.
- CMUC00187E Unable to access CLI user password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00188E Unable to read CLI user password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00189E Internal error: VALUE_0.
- CMUC00190E VALUE_0: Authentication failure: invalid password
- CMUC00191E VALUE_0: Authentication failure: invalid user name
- CMUC00192E VALUE_0: Authentication failure: the user account is locked.
- CMUC00193E VALUE_0: Authentication failure: unable to access account database.
- CMUC00194E VALUE_0: Authentication failure: unable to authenticate on Enterprise Storage Server.
- CMUC00195I COMMAND_INFO Security properties successfully set.
- CMUC00196I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy pair PAIR_ID successfully reversed.
- CMUC00197I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy pair PAIR_ID successfully failed back.
- CMUC00198I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy pair PAIR_ID successfully thawed.
- CMUC00199I COMMAND_INFO License Machine Code successfully applied to storage image STORAGE_IMAGE_ID.
- CMUC00200E COMMAND_INFO This commmand is not supported for machine type TYPE.
- CMUC00201E VALUE_0: Authentication failure: Your password has expired. Change your password with the chuser command.
- CMUC00202I COMMAND_INFO Remote Mirror and Copy ESCON path TARGET_LSS successfully created.
- CMUC00203E COMMAND_INFO Invalid pair. Each source volume must have a matching target volume.
- CMUC00204I COMMAND_INFO Password file FILE_NAME successfully created.
- CMUC00205I COMMAND_INFO Password file FILE_NAME successfully created.
- CMUC00206I COMMAND_INFO Record VALUE_1 successfully added to password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00207I COMMAND_INFO Record VALUE_1 successfully changed in password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00208I COMMAND_INFO Record VALUE_1 successfully removed from password file FILE_NAME.
- CMUC00209E COMMAND_INFO Unable to open password file FILE_NAME for write access.
- CMUC00210E Password file FILE_NAME is not formatted corrrectly.
- CMUC00211E COMMAND_INFO The specified capacity CAPACITY is not valid for type TYPE.
- CMUC00212I COMMAND_INFO completed successfully.
- CMUC00213E COMMAND_INFO Unable to read License Machine Code activation codes file
- CMUC00214E COMMAND_INFO File FILE contains no License Machine Code for storage image STORAGE_IMAGE_ID.
- CMUC00215E COMMAND_INFO Incorrectly formatted License Machine Code activation codes file
- CMUC00216I COMMAND_INFO CKD alias volume VOLUME successfully created.
- CMUC00217E COMMAND_INFO The specified logical subsystem number for volume VOLUME is not valid.
- CMUC00218E COMMAND_INFO The specified logical control unit number for volume VOLUME is not valid. Either you specified this volume explicitly or you specified it implicitly by parameter values.
- CMUC00219E COMMAND_INFO Connection failure: The specified storage management console peers are not valid.
- CMUC00220E COMMAND_INFO Connection failure: VALUE_0
- Chapter 3. DS Storage Manager messages
- CMUG00000E Select an array from the table or create a new array.
- CMUG00001E Select an extent pool from the table or create a new extent pool.
- CMUG00002W The following volumes have storage configured on the ranks: VALUE_0. These volumes are deleted as part of the rank deletion process. Select Continue to delete the ranks and volumes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00003W This operation removes ranks from the extent pools. Select OK to remove the ranks. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00004W This operation deletes the selected ranks. Select OK to delete the ranks. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00005E Select at least one ID from the table of available LCU IDs.
- CMUG00006W This operation deletes the selected LCUs. Select Continue to delete the LCUs. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00007W The following volumes have storage configured on the selected LCUs: VALUE_0. These volumes are deleted as part of the LCU deletion process. Select Continue to delete the LCUs. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00008E An SSID is required.
- CMUG00009E An SSID must be a 4 hexadecimal digit non zero number.
- CMUG00010E The SSID is not unique.
- CMUG00011E Consistency group timeout required
- CMUG00012E Consistency group timeout: A positive integer value is required.
- CMUG00013E Select at least one LCU.
- CMUG00014W This operation deletes volumes. Select OK to delete the volumes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00015E You must select an extent pool from which to create these volumes.
- CMUG00016E VALUE_0 must be between VALUE_1 and VALUE_2.
- CMUG00017E You must enter an alphabetic prefix or a numeric suffix. You may enter both.
- CMUG00018E The value that you enter for a suffix must be a number.
- CMUG00019E Volume nicknames must be unique within a storage image. Do you want VALUE_1 increased sequentially and concatenated to VALUE_0?
- CMUG00020E Too few volume addresses are available to create the volumes specified. Select additional logical subsystems.
- CMUG00021E Multiple volume creation is not permitted with automatic nickname sequence generation disabled.
- CMUG00022E Select a volume group.
- CMUG00023E You must select one volume to complete the operation.
- CMUG00024E You must select at least one volume to complete the operation.
- CMUG00025W Volumes will be deleted. Select OK to delete the volumes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00026E You must select one extent pool.
- CMUG00027E VALUE_0 must be between VALUE_1 and VALUE_2.
- CMUG00028E The ratio of alias volumes to base volumes must be expressible in whole numbers. Fractional ratios are not permitted.
- CMUG00029E The number of table selections does not agree with the number entered in the text box.
- CMUG00030E No base volumes have been specified.
- CMUG00031E The selected extent pool is too small. No volumes can be created.
- CMUG00032E All of the selected volumes must be of the same data type.
- CMUG00033E The specified combination of volume quantity and size exceeds the available space in the extent pool.
- CMUG00034E Volume nicknames must be unique within a storage image. Do you want VALUE_1 increased sequentially and concatenated to VALUE_0?
- CMUG00035E Multiple volume creation is not permitted with automatic nickname sequence generation disabled.
- CMUG00036E The value you enter for a suffix must be a number.
- CMUG00037E You must enter an alphabetic prefix or a numeric suffix. You may enter both.
- CMUG00038W Extent pools will be deleted. Select OK to delete the extent pools. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00039W The extent pools have volumes configured in them. These volumes will be deleted as part of the extent pool deletion process: VALUE_0. Select Continue to delete the extent pools and volumes that are listed. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00040E Nicknames must be no more than 16 characters long.
- CMUG00041E The requested storage is not available. Only VALUE_0 GB is available.
- CMUG00042E No storage is available for this configuration.
- CMUG00044E Select a rank from the table or create a new rank.
- CMUG00045E The number entered must be a percentage, entered as an integer between 0 and 100.
- CMUG00046E The threshold amount is not available. Only VALUE_0 GB is available.
- CMUG00047E Select an array site.
- CMUG00048E You must enter a number less than or equal to VALUE_0.
- CMUG00049W The selected arrays and their associated ranks will be deleted. Select OK to delete the arrays and their associated ranks. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00050W The following volumes have storage configured on the arrays: VALUE_0. These volumes will be deleted as part of the array deletion process. Select Continue to delete the arrays and volumes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00051E Array creation is not possible. No array sites are available on the storage image.
- CMUG00052E A nickname is required.
- CMUG00053E Select at least one volume.
- CMUG00054W The selected volume groups will be deleted. Select OK to delete the volume groups. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00055E Select one or more host types.
- CMUG00056E A host nickname is required.
- CMUG00057E A host type is required to create a new host. Select a host type.
- CMUG00058E The port quantity is required. Enter the quantity of ports for this type.
- CMUG00059E The port type is required. Select a port type.
- CMUG00060E Select WWPNs for all the ports.
- CMUG00061E Select a host attachment identifier to connect to the storage image ports.
- CMUG00062E At least one host port must be defined for this host system before data can be saved.
- CMUG00063E At least one storage image must be selected for attachment to the newly defined host port.
- CMUG00064E A host nickname is required.
- CMUG00065E The port quantity is required. Provide the number of ports for this host attachment.
- CMUG00066E The port type is required. Select a port type.
- CMUG00067E Select the WWPNs for all the ports for this host attachment.
- CMUG00068E Select a host attachment identifier to connect to the storage image ports.
- CMUG00069W These hosts will be deleted: VALUE_0. Select Continue to delete the hosts. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00070W The selected host attachment ports will be deleted. Select Continue to delete the host attachment ports. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00071E Select one or more of the choices below.
- CMUG00072W The selected storage complexes will be deleted. Select OK to delete the storage complexes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00073E Storage complex authentication error.
- CMUG00074W You have selected a choice that initiates the power on sequence for this storage unit. Select OK to turn on power to the storage unit. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00075W You have selected a choice that will initiate the power off sequence for this storage unit. Select OK to turn off power to the storage unit. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00076W You have selected a choice that will force the offline sequence for this storage unit. Select OK to force the storage unit offline. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00077W You have selected a choice that initiates the sequence to bring this storage unit online. Select OK to bring the storage unit online. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00078W You have selected a choice that initiates the sequence to take this storage unit offline. Select OK to take the storage unit offline. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00079W Cannot perform the task. The storage unit is not online.
- CMUG00080W Do you want to delete the simulated storage units STORAGE_UNITS in the selected storage complexes as well? Select OK to delete the storage units. Select Continue to delete only the storage complexes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00081W Changing the physical configuration will clear the existing logical configuration. Select Continue to change the physical configuration of the storage unit and clear the existing logical configuration. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00082E At least two DDM packs must be added to the Selected DDM packs table.
- CMUG00083E Invalid I/O adapter quantity. The quantity must be between VALUE_0. and VALUE_1.
- CMUG00084W The selected storage units will be deleted. Select OK to delete the storage units. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00085E Select a storage complex.
- CMUG00086E Select a storage unit.
- CMUG00087E Select at least one storage image.
- CMUG00088E Select an xml file containing License Machine Code activation codes for this storage image.
- CMUG00089E Incorrectly formatted License Machine Code activation codes file
- CMUG00090E Incorrect License Machine Code activation codes file
- CMUG00091W The current License Machine Code activation codes will be overwritten by the codes being imported. Select Continue to overwrite the current codes with the new codes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00092W This operation applies the activation codes to the storage image. Select OK to apply the activation codes. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00093E You must add at least one host attachment to the storage image.
- CMUG00094E Unable to attach host. No I/O port is selected.
- CMUG00095E Unable to attach host. No compatible I/O ports are available on the storage image.
- CMUG00096E Model 2105 storage unit authentication error
- CMUG00097W This operation deletes the selected enterprise configuration. Select OK to delete the configuration. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00098W Only one enterprise configuration can be open at any time. Select OK to save the current configuration. Select Continue to continue without saving the current configuration.
- CMUG00099W Select an xml file that contains an enterprise configuration.
- CMUG00100E Unable to connect to the specified storage management console.
- CMUG00101E The IP address of management console 2 cannot be the same as the IP address of management console 1.
- CMUG00102E Select unique WWPNs for ports VALUE_0.
- CMUG00103E Enter unique WWPNs for ports VALUE_0.
- CMUG00104E Unable to attach host port PORT. WWPNs WWPN_IDs are being used by another host port on storage image IMAGE.
- CMUG00105W These ranks will be deleted from the selected extent pool: VALUE_0. Select Continue to delete the ranks that are listed. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUG00106E The specified storage complex is incompatible with this DS Storage Manager software.
- CMUG00107E A nickname must be between 1 and 16 characters long.
- CMUG00108E You must select at least one array site before you can continue.
- CMUG00109E These ranks have extents in use and they cannot be removed from the extent pool: RANKS.
- CMUG00110E The number of selections in the table must be a whole number multiple of the number of base volumes you enter. Fractional ratios are not permitted.
- CMUG00111E The nickname NICKNAME is already used for another host. Enter a unique nickname.
- CMUG00112E The storage complex found at the specified IP address is offline. Only online storage complexes can be added when using the Realtime Manager.
- CMUG00113E The total number of aliases and bases that are to be created exceeds the number of available addresses in the selected LCUs.
- CMUG00114E The number of fibre channel port I/O adapters cannot be 1. You must have at least 2 of the same adapter if you are configuring an adapter.
- CMUG00115E Select a machine model from the list.
- CMUG00116E Storage image ID has been configured on this storage management console, but it is not accessible at this time.
- CMUG00117I The default enterprise is being opened.
- CMUG00118W This operation changes the configuration of the selected I/O ports. Changing the configuration might make the ports unusable by hosts that are now attached to them. Select Continue to change the I/O port configuration. Select Cancel to cancel t
- CMUG00119E Invalid value: VALUE_0 entered for VALUE_1 . The WWPN must be a hexadecimal number between VALUE_2 and VALUE_3.
- CMUG00120W The following hosts are attached to incompatible ports: VALUE_0 . The hosts might be unable to communicate using these ports.
- CMUG00121W The selected volume size is compatible with only iSeries V5R3.
- CMUG00122E Unable to create volume. No extent pools are available.
- CMUG00123E The selected storage complexes do not exist in the current configuration.
- CMUG00124E Invalid logical volume size. See the help text for this message for valid sizes.
- CMUG00125E The local storage complex cannot be removed from this configuration.
- CMUG00126I The specified volume size will be rounded up to the next valid binary value: VALUE_0 GB.
- CMUG00127E No volume groups exist. You must create a volume group before you can continue.
- CMUG00128E These storage images are already logically configured: VALUE_0. Reconfiguring a configured storage image is not supported.
- CMUG00129E The management console server is not available.
- CMUG00130W Host information cannot be retrieved from storage complex NICKNAME.
- CMUG00131E The specified location for adapter ADAPTER is already in use.
- CMUG00132E You must select from each combo box to fully specify the location of adapter ADAPTER.
- CMUG00133E The specified IP address already is assigned to a defined storage complex.
- CMUG00134E Select only volumes that have aliases and are in the same relationship.
- CMUG00135E The selected storage unit is not available.
- CMUG00136E The selected storage image is not available.
- CMUG00137E A volume group cannot contain more than 256 volumes when you specify the map 256 addressing method. Reduce the number of selected volumes.
- CMUG00138E The specified configuration file is not the correct format. Configuration files have a .cfr file name extension.
- CMUG00139E The number of base volumes in each selected logical control unit must be a whole number multiple of the number of base volumes you enter. Fractional ratios are not permitted.
- CMUG00140E No more volumes can be created from this extent pool. No more volume addresses are available in the rank group.
- Chapter 4. DS Storage Manager Copy Services messages
- CMUS00000W This operation deletes the selected FlashCopy relationships. Click OK to delete the FlashCopy relationships. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUS00001W This operation deletes Remote Mirror and Copy relationships. Click OK to delete the Remote Mirror and Copy relationships. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUS00002E You must select at least one source volume to create relationships.
- CMUS00003E You must select the same number of target volumes as source volumes.
- CMUS00004E You must select at least one source volume to create relationships.
- CMUS00005E You must select the same number of target volumes as source volumes.
- CMUS00006E You must select at least one target volume.
- CMUS00007E The target volume refresh fails.
- CMUS00008E The FlashCopy reverse fails.
- CMUS00009E You must select a source logical subsystem.
- CMUS00010E You must select a target logical subsystem.
- CMUS00011E You must select the source I/O ports.
- CMUS00012E You must select the target I/O ports.
- CMUS00013W This operation deletes paths that might be used by Remote Mirror and Copy pairs. If you continue, data transfer bandwidth might be lowered. Click Continue to delete the paths. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUS00014E You must select a master logical subsystem for the Global Mirror relationship.
- CMUS00015W This operation resumes the selected Global Mirror relationships. Click OK to resume the Global Mirror relationships. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUS00016W This operation pauses the selected Global Mirror relationships. Click OK to pause the Global Mirror relationships. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUS00017E Unable to start Global Mirror session.
- CMUS00018E Invalid session number.
- CMUS00019E The management console server rejects the options you selected.
- CMUS00020E Inhibit writes to target volume option: no valid value selected
- CMUS00021E Enable change recording option: no valid value selected
- CMUS00022E Permit FlashCopy to occur if target volume is online for host access: no valid value selected
- CMUS00023E Fast reverse: no valid value selected
- CMUS00024W This operation deletes the selected Global Mirror relationships. Click OK to delete the Global Mirror relationships. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUS00025E The relationship properties cannot be displayed. The relationship no longer exists.
- CMUS00026E Relationships VALUE_0 specify volumes with incompatible sizes. These relationships will not be created.
- CMUS00027W The paths you are attempting to remove are used by existing Remote Mirror and Copy pairs. All paths cannot be removed from target LSSs VALUE_0 while pairs exist. The Remote Mirror and Copy pairs must be removed before all paths can be removed.
- CMUS00028E You must select at least one FlashCopy relationship.
- CMUS00029E No source LSS is available in the selected storage image.
- CMUS00030W The selected storage unit or image is not a master (primary) for Global Mirror sessions.
- CMUS00031E Invalid logical subsystem: No paths to the subordinates exist.
- CMUS00032E No target LSS is available for the selected source LSS.
- CMUS00033E Select at least one volume.
- CMUS00034E No session numbers are available for the selected volumes.
- Chapter 5. DS Storage Manager console messages
- CMUL00000E GUI console operation error: page exception
- CMUL00001E GUI console operation error: renderer exception
- CMUL00002E GUI console operation error: trigger exception
- CMUL00003E GUI console operation error: request not handled
- CMUL00004E GUI console operation error: Java runtime exception
- CMUL00005E GUI console operation error: GUI not initialized
- CMUL00006E GUI console operation error: GUI panel definition
- CMUL00007E GUI console operation error: GUI panel definition
- CMUL00008E GUI console operation error: fatal error
- CMUL00009E Invalid value: VALUE_0. Only integer values are allowed.
- CMUL00010E VALUE_0: All components of the IP field are required.
- CMUL00011E VALUE_0: Only numbers between 0-255 are valid.
- CMUL00012E VALUE_0 is required.
- CMUL00013W This command has irreversible consequences. Select OK to execute the command. Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUL00014E Supply values for all the required fields.
- CMUL00015E Value too small: VALUE_0. The value that you enter must be an integer greater than or equal to VALUE_1.
- CMUL00016E Value too large: VALUE_0. The value that you enter must be an integer smaller than or equal to VALUE_1.
- CMUL00017E Entry too long: VALUE_0. The string that you enter must be less than or equal to VALUE_1 characters in length.
- CMUL00018E VALUE_0 must be between VALUE_1 and VALUE_2.
- CMUL00019E Invalid value: VALUE_0
- CMUL00020E Invalid activation code format: VALUE_0 The code must be VALUE_1 groups of four-digit hexadecimal numbers, separated by hyphens.
- CMUL00021E Invalid value: VALUE_0. A session number must be a hexadecimal number.
- CMUL00022E Invalid value: VALUE_0. This number must be VALUE_1 digits long.
- CMUL00023E Value too small: VALUE_0. The value you enter must be greater than VALUE_1.
- CMUL00024E Value too large: VALUE_0. The value you enter must be smaller than VALUE_1.
- CMUL00025E Invalid value: VALUE_0 Only alphabetical text is permitted.
- CMUL00026E Unable to add storage complex. The storage complex is not online.
- CMUL00027E The selected storage complexes cannot be deleted.
- CMUL00028E Invalid value: VALUE_0. This number must be a percentage, entered as an integer between VALUE_1 and VALUE_2.
- CMUL00029E Unauthorized user
- Chapter 6. DS Storage Manager service messages
- CMUR00000W You are about to generate a test problem. A SNMP message will be triggered and a test problem will be sent to IBM via Call Home. Click Continue to create the test problem. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00001W The selected hardware resource will be taken offline. Click Continue to take the hardware resource offline. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00002W The selected hardware resource will be brought online. Click Continue to bring the hardware resource online. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00003W You are about to close the selected log entry. This will have no effect on the associated hardware resource. Once closed, the log entry cannot be reopened. All light path indicators associated with this log entry will be extinguished. Click Con
- CMUR00004E Invalid date entry
- CMUR00005E Invalid time entry
- CMUR00006W This operation ends the long running task. Click OK to end the long running task. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00007W This operation ends the selected long running tasks. Click OK to end the long running tasks. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00008W This operation deletes the selected long running task. Click OK to delete the long running task. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00009E You must select either an existing storage complex or a storage unit that has not been assigned to a storage complex.
- CMUR00010E The password and confirmation password do not match.
- CMUR00011W User accounts will be deleted. Click OK to delete the user accounts. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00012E Service data cannot be collected and sent until you provide customer contact information.
- CMUR00013W This operation takes a long time to complete. If you proceed, you must click the Refresh button on the Status tab in order to see the latest data. Click Continue to bring the resource online. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- CMUR00014E No storage unit is available. This panel cannot be used unless there is at least one storage unit online. Navigate to the Storage Unit panel to verify the status of the managed storage units before you continue.
- CMUR00015E The selected resource cannot be brought online.
- CMUR00016E The attempt to bring the selected resource online does not complete.
- CMUR00017E The attempt to take the selected resource offline does not complete.
- CMUR00018I Data is being collected for the selected reports.
- CMUR00019I Data collection will no longer occur for the unselected reports.
- CMUR00020W This operation takes a long time to complete. If you proceed, you must click the Refresh button on the Status tab in order to see the latest data. Click Continue to take the resource offline. Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
- Chapter 7. DS storage management console server messages
- CMUN00000E SOURCE Authentication failure
- CMUN00001E SOURCE Configuration error
- CMUN00002E SOURCE Internal error
- CMUN00003E SOURCE Configuration connection error
- CMUN00004E SOURCE Configuration connection error
- CMUN00005E SOURCE Internal error
- CMUN00006E SOURCE Internal error
- CMUN00007E SOURCE Mismatched Jar file
- CMUN00008E SOURCE Invalid configuration parameter
- CMUN00009E SOURCE Invalid parameter
- CMUN00010E SOURCE Invalid parameter.
- CMUN00011E SOURCE Configuration query error
- CMUN00012E SOURCE Configuration query error
- CMUN00013E SOURCE Resource not found
- CMUN00014E SOURCE Server error
- CMUN00015E SOURCE Command execution timeout
- CMUN00016E SOURCE Unauthorized access
- CMUN00017E SOURCE Unauthorized
- CMUN00018E SOURCE Unable to connect to the storage management console server
- CMUN00019E SOURCE Unknown configuration error
- CMUN00020E SOURCE Unknown error
- CMUN00021E SOURCE Unknown management console server internal error
- CMUN00022E SOURCE The specified operation is unsupported.
- CMUN01000E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN01001E SOURCE Operation failure: retrieving rank
- CMUN01002E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02000E SOURCE Query failure: This action is supported only for CKD volumes.
- CMUN02001E SOURCE Error: The logical volume has been created, but it is not assigned to an address group.
- CMUN02002E SOURCE Error: The logical volume has been created but it is not assigned to a logical subsystem.
- CMUN02003E SOURCE Error: The logical volume has been created, but it is not assigned to a volume group.
- CMUN02004E SOURCE Error: The logical volume has been created, but it is not assigned to an extent pool.
- CMUN02005E SOURCE Operation failure: already assigned
- CMUN02006E SOURCE Unable to query rank
- CMUN02007E SOURCE Unable to query rank
- CMUN02008E SOURCE Unable to query logical volume
- CMUN02009E SOURCE Unable to create array
- CMUN02010E SOURCE Unable to create array
- CMUN02011E SOURCE Unable to create array: internal interface communication error
- CMUN02012E SOURCE Unable to create array: The array site is not unassigned.
- CMUN02013E SOURCE Unable to create array
- CMUN02014E SOURCE Cannot delete array. The array is flagged to be serviced.
- CMUN02015E SOURCE Unable to delete rank: The rank is still assigned.
- CMUN02016E SOURCE Unable to delete logical subsystem: Logical volumes are assigned.
- CMUN02017E SOURCE Unable to delete rank: Extents are in use.
- CMUN02018E SOURCE Unable to create or delete array: local server offline
- CMUN02019E SOURCE Cannot exceed maximum volume group count
- CMUN02020E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem: ID already in use.
- CMUN02021E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: the volume number already exists.
- CMUN02022E SOURCE Unable to create array
- CMUN02023E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem: cannot set session timeout
- CMUN02024E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem: invalid critical mode enabled
- CMUN02025E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem: invalid extended long busy enabled
- CMUN02026E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem: invalid extended long busy time
- CMUN02027E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem: cannot set session timeout
- CMUN02028E SOURCE Cannot use array sites. These sites are flagged to be serviced.
- CMUN02029E SOURCE Internal error
- CMUN02030E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02031E SOURCE Operation failure: changes are pending
- CMUN02032E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume
- CMUN02033E SOURCE Error: The logical volume has been deleted, but the logical subsystem deletion fails.
- CMUN02034E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02035E SOURCE Unable to delete logical volume
- CMUN02036E SOURCE Unable to delete array
- CMUN02037E SOURCE Unable to delete array
- CMUN02038E SOURCE Unable to delete array
- CMUN02039E SOURCE Unable to delete array
- CMUN02040E SOURCE Unable to delete array. The array is still assigned.
- CMUN02041E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem: device type must be CKD
- CMUN02042E SOURCE Operation failure: configuration already exists
- CMUN02043E SOURCE Operation failure: internal database not open
- CMUN02044E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to allocate memory
- CMUN02045E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to allocate memory
- CMUN02046E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to allocate memory
- CMUN02047E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02048E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02049E SOURCE Rank reconfiguration failure: memory allocation error
- CMUN02050E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02051E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02052E SOURCE Storage unit unavailable
- CMUN02053E SOURCE Unable to create extent pool: maximum number of extent pools reached
- CMUN02054E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02055E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to allocate memory
- CMUN02056E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to allocate memory
- CMUN02057E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool: The rank is already assigned.
- CMUN02058E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool
- CMUN02059E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool
- CMUN02060E SOURCE Unable to create extent pool
- CMUN02061E SOURCE Create logical subsystem failure
- CMUN02062E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid host type
- CMUN02063E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid WWPN
- CMUN02064E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: non-unique WWPN
- CMUN02065E SOURCE Operation failure: device adapter cannot query data
- CMUN02066E SOURCE Operation failure: database creation error
- CMUN02067E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port
- CMUN02068E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid volume group identifier
- CMUN02069E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid profile
- CMUN02070E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid WWPN
- CMUN02071E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid WWPN
- CMUN02072E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid override default priority
- CMUN02073E SOURCE Unable to create volume group
- CMUN02074E SOURCE Unable to create volume group: invalid user name
- CMUN02075E SOURCE Unable to delete extent pool
- CMUN02076E SOURCE Rank creation cannot complete.
- CMUN02077E SOURCE Operation failure: addition
- CMUN02078E SOURCE Failed to initialize LPAR
- CMUN02079E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02080E SOURCE Unable to create array: The maximum number of arrays have been created.
- CMUN02081E SOURCE Unable to create rank: The maximum number of ranks have been created.
- CMUN02082E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02083E SOURCE Extent pool operation failure
- CMUN02084E SOURCE Unable to delete extent pool
- CMUN02085E SOURCE Unable to delete extent pool
- CMUN02086E SOURCE Unable to delete logical volume
- CMUN02087E SOURCE Unable to query rank
- CMUN02088E SOURCE Unable to query rank
- CMUN02089E SOURCE Failed to initialize LPAR
- CMUN02090E SOURCE LPAR startup error
- CMUN02091E SOURCE Failed to initialize LPAR
- CMUN02092E SOURCE Rank creation cannot complete
- CMUN02093E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume
- CMUN02094E SOURCE Failed to initialize LPAR
- CMUN02095E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume
- CMUN02096E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume
- CMUN02097E SOURCE Unable to query rank
- CMUN02098E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume
- CMUN02099E SOURCE Unable to create volume group
- CMUN02100E SOURCE Volume group operation failure
- CMUN02101E SOURCE Unable to query volume group
- CMUN02102E SOURCE Unable to delete logical volume
- CMUN02103E SOURCE Unable to assign volumes to volume group
- CMUN02104E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02105E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volumes assigned to volume group
- CMUN02106E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volumes assigned to volume group
- CMUN02107E SOURCE Unable to delete volume group
- CMUN02108E SOURCE Unable to modify volume group
- CMUN02109E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port
- CMUN02110E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid address discovery method
- CMUN02111E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid volume group type
- CMUN02112E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid volume group ID
- CMUN02113E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: logical block size and volume group type mismatch
- CMUN02114E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid logical block size
- CMUN02115E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: logical block size and volume group type mismatch
- CMUN02116E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid port mask
- CMUN02117E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid override default priority value
- CMUN02118E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid port profile
- CMUN02119E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid port topology
- CMUN02120E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: address discovery method and volume group type mismatch
- CMUN02121E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: address discovery method and volume group type mismatch
- CMUN02122E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid value
- CMUN02123E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: nonexistent volume group
- CMUN02124E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port
- CMUN02125E SOURCE Unable to start or end service
- CMUN02126E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02127E SOURCE Unable to modify volume group
- CMUN02128E SOURCE Unable to open a session to query a logical volume
- CMUN02129E SOURCE Unable to open a session
- CMUN02130E SOURCE Unable to open a session
- CMUN02131E SOURCE Internal database overwrite failure: The database exists and overwrite is off.
- CMUN02132E SOURCE Rank creation cannot complete.
- CMUN02133E SOURCE Extent pool operation failure
- CMUN02134E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02135E SOURCE Volume group query failure
- CMUN02136E SOURCE Unable to query volume groups: invalid volume number
- CMUN02137E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool: type mismatch
- CMUN02138E SOURCE Unable to create rank
- CMUN02139E SOURCE Unable to create rank
- CMUN02140E SOURCE Unable to create rank
- CMUN02141E SOURCE Rank creation failure: check device adapter
- CMUN02142E SOURCE Rank creation did not complete.
- CMUN02143E SOURCE Unable to create rank
- CMUN02144E SOURCE Unable to create rank
- CMUN02145E SOURCE Unable to create rank
- CMUN02146E SOURCE Rank creation failure: server unavailable
- CMUN02147E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02148E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02149E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02150E SOURCE Unable to delete rank
- CMUN02151E SOURCE Unable to delete rank
- CMUN02152E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02153E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02154E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02155E SOURCE Rank operation failure: device adapter error
- CMUN02156E SOURCE Unable to reconfigure rank
- CMUN02157E SOURCE Unable to reconfigure rank
- CMUN02158E SOURCE Unable to reconfigure rank: server offline
- CMUN02159E SOURCE Rank reconfiguration failure: The rank is flagged to be serviced.
- CMUN02160E SOURCE Unable to reconfigure rank
- CMUN02161E SOURCE Unable to release rank
- CMUN02162E SOURCE Unable to reserve rank
- CMUN02163E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02164E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02165E SOURCE Unable to unassign rank
- CMUN02166E SOURCE Unable to reconfigure rank: The rank remains in the failed state.
- CMUN02167E SOURCE Unable to release rank
- CMUN02168E SOURCE Unable to assign volumes to volume group
- CMUN02169E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02170E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02171E SOURCE Unable to assign volumes to volume group
- CMUN02172E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02173E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group: data type mismatch
- CMUN02174E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02175E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02176E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02177E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02178E SOURCE Unable to reset Copy Services settings on logical subsystems
- CMUN02179E SOURCE Unable to reset Copy Services settings on logical subsystem
- CMUN02180E SOURCE Unable to reserve rank
- CMUN02181E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port
- CMUN02182E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port
- CMUN02183E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port
- CMUN02184E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port
- CMUN02185E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volumes assigned to the volume group
- CMUN02186E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volumes assigned to volume group
- CMUN02187E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volumes assigned to the volume group: no ranks exist
- CMUN02188E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volumes assigned to volume group.
- CMUN02189E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volumes assigned to volume group
- CMUN02190E SOURCE Unable to assign volume to volume group
- CMUN02191E SOURCE Unable to modify volume group
- CMUN02192E SOURCE Unable to query rank
- CMUN02193E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02194E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid port profile
- CMUN02195E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02196E SOURCE SCSI host port operation failure
- CMUN02197E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid port profile
- CMUN02198E SOURCE Unable to create, modify, or delete SCSI host port: local server offline
- CMUN02199E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02200E SOURCE Unable to query volume groups
- CMUN02201E SOURCE Unable to assign volumes to volume group
- CMUN02202E SOURCE Unable to assign volumes to volume group
- CMUN02203E SOURCE Unable to create, modify, or delete volume group: version update
- CMUN02204E SOURCE Volume group query failure
- CMUN02205E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02206E SOURCE Unable to unassign rank
- CMUN02207E SOURCE Unable to unassign rank
- CMUN02208E SOURCE Unable to unassign rank: Extents are allocated to logical volumes.
- CMUN02209E SOURCE Unable to delete SCSI host port
- CMUN02210E SOURCE Unable to delete SCSI host port
- CMUN02211E SOURCE Unable to delete volume group
- CMUN02212E SOURCE Unable to delete volume group: The volume group is still assigned to a SCSI host port.
- CMUN02213E SOURCE Unable to delete volume group
- CMUN02214E SOURCE Unable to delete volume group
- CMUN02215E SOURCE Unable to retrieve volume group information
- CMUN02216E SOURCE Unable to modify volume group
- CMUN02217E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02218E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02219E SOURCE Unable to create or delete volume group: local server offline
- CMUN02220E SOURCE Unable to retrieve or assign volumes assigned to volume group: local server offline
- CMUN02221E SOURCE Unable to retrieve or assign volumes assigned to volume group: local server offline
- CMUN02222E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02223E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02224E SOURCE Unable to create volume group: invalid volume group type
- CMUN02225E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool
- CMUN02226E SOURCE Unable to end service: Management console is not authorized.
- CMUN02227E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: The data type of the logical volume is incompatible with the extent type of its extent pool.
- CMUN02228E SOURCE Rank creation cannot complete.
- CMUN02229E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: Data type is incompatible with data type of other volumes in address group.
- CMUN02230E SOURCE Rank definition failure: extent type mismatch
- CMUN02231E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: rank group and logical subsystem group mismatch
- CMUN02232E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem: device type mismatch
- CMUN02233E SOURCE Logical volume operation failure: inconsistent starting and ending logical volume numbers
- CMUN02234E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem: device type format error
- CMUN02235E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical subsystem: invalid format
- CMUN02236E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical subsystem: invalid format
- CMUN02237E SOURCE Unable to create array: The RAID type is neither RAID5 nor RAID10.
- CMUN02238E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical volume: invalid number
- CMUN02239E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical volume: invalid volume number
- CMUN02240E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: invalid volume type
- CMUN02241E SOURCE Service intent is not currently set. Reset ignored.
- CMUN02242E SOURCE Unable to create rank: Array is not unassigned.
- CMUN02243E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical subsystem
- CMUN02244E SOURCE Logical volume operation failure: invalid data type
- CMUN02245E SOURCE Unable to create extent pool: invalid extent limit enabled value
- CMUN02246E SOURCE Unable to create extent pool: invalid extent limit
- CMUN02247E SOURCE Unable to create extent pool: invalid extent threshold
- CMUN02248E SOURCE Unable to modify extent pool: invalid extent threshold
- CMUN02249E SOURCE Unable to create extent pool: invalid extent type
- CMUN02250E SOURCE Unable to create or modify extent pool: invalid user name
- CMUN02251E SOURCE Unable to modify extent pool: invalid extent limit enabled value
- CMUN02252E SOURCE Unable to modify extent pool: invalid extent limit
- CMUN02253E SOURCE Unable to start or end service: invalid storage management console ID
- CMUN02254E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical volume: invalid user name
- CMUN02255E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical subsystem: invalid logical subsystem identifier format
- CMUN02256E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical subsystem: invalid logical subsystem identifier length
- CMUN02257E SOURCE Logical subsystem query failure: invalid LSS ID
- CMUN02258E SOURCE Unable to delete extent pool: ranks are assigned
- CMUN02259E SOURCE Unable to start or end service: invalid parameters
- CMUN02260E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid RAID type or number of spares
- CMUN02261E SOURCE Unable to create extent pool: invalid rank group
- CMUN02262E SOURCE Unable to create volumes: invalid volume type
- CMUN02263E SOURCE Unable to create or delete extent pool: local server offline
- CMUN02264E SOURCE Unable to end service: lock still held by other management console
- CMUN02265E SOURCE Logical volume operation failure: not supported
- CMUN02266E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem: not a CKD volume
- CMUN02267E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical subsystem: identifier already in use
- CMUN02268E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical subsystem: identifier must be nonzero
- CMUN02269E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem: identifier only for CKD
- CMUN02270E SOURCE Unable to create a new SCSI host port: maximum count reached
- CMUN02271E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port
- CMUN02272E SOURCE SCSI host port operation failure
- CMUN02273E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port
- CMUN02274E SOURCE Unable to delete SCSI host port
- CMUN02275E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: volume type and data type mismatch
- CMUN02276E SOURCE Unable to delete rank
- CMUN02277E SOURCE Alias volume creation failure: no logical subsystem exists
- CMUN02278E SOURCE Operation failure: name is not unique
- CMUN02279E SOURCE Operation failure: unknown storage unit
- CMUN02280E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool: The extent pool does not exist.
- CMUN02281E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02282E SOURCE Unable to create CKD logical volume: CKD volumes require a CKD logical subsystem.
- CMUN02283E SOURCE Unable to create CKD alias logical volume: no base volume exists.
- CMUN02284E SOURCE Logical subsystem operation failure: logical subsystem does not exist.
- CMUN02285E SOURCE Unable to create rank: array does not exist.
- CMUN02286E SOURCE Rank operation failure: extent pool does not exist.
- CMUN02287E SOURCE Rank operation failure: rank does not exist.
- CMUN02288E SOURCE Rank operation failure: rank does not exist.
- CMUN02289E SOURCE Rank operation failure: rank does not exist.
- CMUN02290E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: extent pool does not exist.
- CMUN02291E SOURCE Unable to start service: device adapter pair is configuring.
- CMUN02292E SOURCE XML parse error
- CMUN02293E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02294E SOURCE Unable to delete logical volume
- CMUN02295E SOURCE Unable to delete logical volume.
- CMUN02296E SOURCE Unable to delete logical volume
- CMUN02297E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: FB volumes must have a data type.
- CMUN02298E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: FB volumes must have an extent pool.
- CMUN02299E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: FB volumes must have a requested capacity.
- CMUN02300E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02301E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02302E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02303E SOURCE Rank operation failure
- CMUN02304E SOURCE Unable to create array: memory allocation error
- CMUN02305E SOURCE Operation failure: SCSI host port already exists.
- CMUN02306E SOURCE Unable to create, modify, or delete logical volume: service intent is set on extent pool.
- CMUN02307E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume
- CMUN02308E SOURCE Query failure: logical subsystem does not exist.
- CMUN02309E SOURCE Unable to modify logical volume: volume type and data type mismatch
- CMUN02310E SOURCE Unable to add logical volume to volume group
- CMUN02311E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem
- CMUN02312E SOURCE Unable to delete logical subsystem
- CMUN02313E SOURCE Unable to delete logical subsystem
- CMUN02314E SOURCE Unable to modify logical volume
- CMUN02315E SOURCE Unable to modify logical subsystem
- CMUN02316E SOURCE Logical subsystem query failure
- CMUN02317E SOURCE Unable to delete CKD base logical volume: alias assigned
- CMUN02318E SOURCE Unable to create rank: Too many arrays are specified.
- CMUN02319E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02320E SOURCE Unable to create rank: Service intent is set on the array.
- CMUN02321E SOURCE Unable to repair array: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02322E SOURCE Unable to repair array: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02323E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool: Service intent is set on the storage complex.
- CMUN02324E SOURCE Unable to assign rank to extent pool: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02325E SOURCE Unable to create rank: not in dual server mode
- CMUN02326E SOURCE Unable to release rank: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02327E SOURCE Unable to reserve rank: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02328E SOURCE Unable to unassign rank: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02329E SOURCE Unable to delete rank: not in dual server mode
- CMUN02330E SOURCE Unable to repair array: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02331E SOURCE Unable to delete rank
- CMUN02332E SOURCE Unable to delete rank
- CMUN02333E SOURCE Unable to delete rank: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02334E SOURCE Unable to unfence volume through rank: Service intent is set.
- CMUN02335E SOURCE Unable to create volumes: volume type must be specified
- CMUN02336E SOURCE Unable to rebuild array
- CMUN02337E SOURCE Unable to create or modify logical volume: CKD base logical volume does not exist.
- CMUN02338E SOURCE Delete SCSI host port operation stopped. Previous attempt failed.
- CMUN02339E SOURCE Delete volume group operation stopped. Previous attempt failed.
- CMUN02340E SOURCE Array site operation failure: The array site is used in another array.
- CMUN02341E SOURCE Logical subsystem configuration error
- CMUN02342E SOURCE Unable to delete last rank. Logical control unit exists.
- CMUN02343E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem: local server offline
- CMUN02344E SOURCE Unable to delete logical subsystem: local server offline
- CMUN02345E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: local server offline
- CMUN02346E SOURCE Unable to create logical volume: logical subsystem not in correct state
- CMUN02347E SOURCE Unable to delete logical volume: local server offline
- CMUN02348E SOURCE Operation failure: logical subsystem not in correct state
- CMUN02349E SOURCE Unable to modify logical volume: incorrect state
- CMUN02350E SOURCE Logical volume operation failure: incorrect state
- CMUN02351E SOURCE Logical volume operation failure: Base volume is in incorrect state.
- CMUN02352E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02353E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02354E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN02355E SOURCE Unable to delete SCSI host port
- CMUN02356E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid user host description
- CMUN02357E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port: invalid user host name
- CMUN02358E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid user host description
- CMUN02359E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid user host name
- CMUN02360E SOURCE Unable to add logical volume to volume group: invalid parameter
- CMUN02361E SOURCE Unable to modify volume group: invalid user name
- CMUN02362E SOURCE Unable to query volume groups: incorrect volume configuration
- CMUN02363E SOURCE Unable to query volume groups: invalid parameter
- CMUN02364E SOURCE Unable to query volume groups: volume does not exist
- CMUN02365E SOURCE Unable to remove logical volume from volume group: invalid parameter
- CMUN02366E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: local server offline
- CMUN02367E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: incorrect volume configuration
- CMUN02368E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: volume does not exist
- CMUN02369E SOURCE Volume group operation failure
- CMUN02370E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: incorrect volume configuration
- CMUN02371E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: invalid parameter
- CMUN02372E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: volume does not exist
- CMUN02373E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: invalid parameter
- CMUN02374E SOURCE Unable to delete volume group
- CMUN02375E SOURCE Volume group operation failure
- CMUN02376E SOURCE Unable to modify logical volume: invalid data type
- CMUN02377E SOURCE Error: inconsistent alias and base logical volume numbers
- CMUN02378E SOURCE Error: A volume of this type cannot have an alias volume group.
- CMUN02379E SOURCE Error: A volume of this type cannot have a base logical volume number.
- CMUN02380E SOURCE Unable to create array. Array sites must be in the same loop.
- CMUN02381E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02382E SOURCE Unable to repair array
- CMUN02383E SOURCE Unable to create, delete, or modify logical subsystem resources. Resource manager unavailable on alternate server.
- CMUN02384E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid file type
- CMUN02385E SOURCE Unable to modify network port: The specified IP address is invalid.
- CMUN02386E SOURCE Unable to modify network port: The specified network is invalid.
- CMUN02387E SOURCE Unable to create array. At least one and no more than two array sites must be specified.
- CMUN02388E Invalid logical volume size. See the help text for this message for valid sizes.
- CMUN02389E SOURCE Unable to create volume. Not enough extents are available.
- CMUN02390E SOURCE Unable to create volume. Not enough extents are available at this time.
- CMUN02391E SOURCE Unable to delete CKD base volume. Unable to delete or reassign aliases.
- CMUN02392E SOURCE Invalid alias volume group
- CMUN02393E SOURCE Unable to create or modify CKD alias volume. The base and alias volumes belong to different logical subsystems.
- CMUN02394E SOURCE Unable to create or modify CKD alias volume. The maximum number of aliases are already assigned to the base volume.
- CMUN02395E SOURCE Unable to create or modify CKD alias volume. The base volume and alias volume are not in the same volume group.
- CMUN02396E SOURCE Contact information must be entered before you can invoke call home.
- CMUN02397E SOURCE Unable to delete volume: The volume does not exist.
- CMUN02398E SOURCE Unable to create array. All array sites must be in the same loop.
- CMUN02399E SOURCE Unable to create array. A RAID5 array can have only one spare.
- CMUN02400E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem: invalid address group
- CMUN02401E SOURCE Unable to create logical subsystem: microcode-level error
- CMUN02402E SOURCE Unable to create rank: failed disk drives detected
- CMUN02403E SOURCE Unable to create rank: not a licensed operation
- CMUN02404E SOURCE Unable to create rank: maximum number of ranks already created
- CMUN02405E SOURCE Unable to delete rank: Extents on the rank are in use.
- CMUN02406E SOURCE Internal logical configuration error: Collect a PE package.
- CMUN02407E SOURCE Array operation failure: Resource Manager not available on alternate server
- CMUN02408E SOURCE Array creation failure: Too many array sites specified.
- CMUN02409E SOURCE Rank operation failure: Resource Manager not available on alternate server
- CMUN02410E SOURCE Extent pool operation failure: Resource Manager not available on alternate server
- CMUN02411E SOURCE Logical volume operation failure: Resource Manager not available on alternate server
- CMUN02412E SOURCE Volume group operation failure: Host agent Resource Manager not available on alternate server
- CMUN02413E SOURCE SCSI host port operation failure: Host agent Resource Manager not available on alternate server
- CMUN02414E SOURCE Unable to create SCSI host port. A colon ":" cannot be used when specifying a SCSI host port.
- CMUN02415E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port. A colon ":" cannot be used when specifying a SCSI host port.
- CMUN02416E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure
- CMUN02417E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure
- CMUN02418E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: At least one array must be in assigned status.
- CMUN02419E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: Service intent flag is set.
- CMUN02420E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure
- CMUN02421E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: Unable to establish array site communication session.
- CMUN02422E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: Unable to retrieve adapter name.
- CMUN02423E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: device adapter error
- CMUN02424E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: Multiple ranks exist or the rank is still accessible.
- CMUN02425E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: Unable to delete RAID array.
- CMUN02426E SOURCE Rank repair operation failure: Unable to retrieve serial number.
- CMUN02427E SOURCE Internal logical configuration error: Another configuration is in progress.
- CMUN02428E SOURCE Unable to create rank. Disks are being formatted.
- CMUN02429E SOURCE A recovery is in progress. Logical configuration commands are blocked.
- CMUN02430E SOURCE Invalid configuration: The base and alias/map volumes must be in the same volume group.
- CMUN02431E SOURCE Invalid configuration: A volume group cannot contain unconfigured logical volumes.
- CMUN02432E SOURCE Invalid configuration: volume group and volume type mismatch
- CMUN02433E SOURCE Invalid configuration: 512-byte fixed-block volumes must share data.
- CMUN02434E SOURCE Invalid configuration: volume group and volume type mismatch
- CMUN02435E SOURCE Invalid configuration: volume group and volume type mismatch
- CMUN02436E SOURCE Invalid configuration: volume group and volume type mismatch
- CMUN02437E SOURCE Invalid configuration: CKD base logical volumes must share data.
- CMUN02438E SOURCE Invalid configuration: volume group and volume type mismatch
- CMUN02439E SOURCE Unable to create rank. DDM repair is required or in progress.
- CMUN03000E SOURCE Operation failure: action cancelled due to lack of resources
- CMUN03001E SOURCE Operation failure: action not supported
- CMUN03002E SOURCE Operation failure: action not supported
- CMUN03003E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: currently processing a previously issued Global Mirror command
- CMUN03004E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: Global Mirror command not properly defined
- CMUN03005E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: Global Mirror feature not installed
- CMUN03006E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: Global Mirror structures not available
- CMUN03007E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: FlashCopy battery feature not installed
- CMUN03008E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: cascading FlashCopy prohibited
- CMUN03009E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: cascading primary
- CMUN03010E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: cascading secondary noncascade
- CMUN03011E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: cascading secondary synchronous
- CMUN03012E SOURCE Remote Mirror and Copy operation failure
- CMUN03013E SOURCE CKD management is disabled.
- CMUN03014E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: A microcode code load is in progress.
- CMUN03015E SOURCE Operation failure: consistent copy would be compromised
- CMUN03016E SOURCE Copy Services feature not installed
- CMUN03017E SOURCE Copy Services feature not supported.
- CMUN03018E SOURCE Copy Services server internal error
- CMUN03019E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: critical volume mode unavailable
- CMUN03020E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: device not found
- CMUN03021E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: device status cannot be determined
- CMUN03022E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: source is destination
- CMUN03023E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: ESCON - FCP collision
- CMUN03024E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: ESCON - FCP remove collision
- CMUN03025E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: storage image not available
- CMUN03026E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: storage image not found
- CMUN03027E SOURCE FlashCopy operation failure: action prohibited by current FlashCopy state
- CMUN03028E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: master process conflict
- CMUN03029E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid failback primary
- CMUN03030E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: failback primary volume not suspended
- CMUN03031E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid failover primary site
- CMUN03032E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid failover secondary volume
- CMUN03033E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: FCP - FICON path collision
- CMUN03034E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: FCP connectivity queries are not supported by the storage image.
- CMUN03035E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: feature not installed
- CMUN03036E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: maximum FlashCopy relationships exceeded or initialization in progress
- CMUN03037E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: FlashCopy inhibited
- CMUN03038E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: Volume is already a FlashCopy target.
- CMUN03039E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: maximum FlashCopy targets exceeded
- CMUN03040E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: maximum relationships exceeded
- CMUN03041E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: already a FlashCopy source
- CMUN03042E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: already a FlashCopy target
- CMUN03043E SOURCE Operation failure: functional code timeout
- CMUN03044E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: path not available
- CMUN03045E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: increment failed due to internal error
- CMUN03046E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: FlashCopy increment mismatch
- CMUN03047E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid fibre-channel protocol configuration
- CMUN03048E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid FlashCopy target
- CMUN03049E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: incompatible volumes
- CMUN03050E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid FlashCopy extent
- CMUN03051E SOURCE Copy services operation failure: invalid FlashCopy source
- CMUN03052E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid secondary
- CMUN03053E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid transition
- CMUN03054E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid revertible specification
- CMUN03055E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: session or members not in correct state.
- CMUN03056E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid session state for FlashCopy
- CMUN03057E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid subsystem ID
- CMUN03058E SOURCE Copy Services Operation failure: invalid WWNN
- CMUN03059E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: LSS not found
- CMUN03060E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: logical subsystem mismatch
- CMUN03061E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: master serial number not defined
- CMUN03062E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: maximum masters exceeded
- CMUN03063E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: sequence number and session ID mismatch
- CMUN03064E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: mixed adapters specified
- CMUN03065E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volumes not a Remote Mirror and Copy pair
- CMUN03066E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: no volume zero on secondary logical subsystem
- CMUN03067E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: configuration does not exist
- CMUN03068E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: not ready for resync
- CMUN03069E SOURCE Pair capacity mismatch
- CMUN03070E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: pairs remain
- CMUN03071E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid parameter
- CMUN03072E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid track
- CMUN03073E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: path establish failed
- CMUN03074E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: maximum number of device adapter paths exceeded
- CMUN03075E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: path timeout
- CMUN03076E SOURCE Operation failure: path type mismatch
- CMUN03077E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: pinned data
- CMUN03078E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: pinned data
- CMUN03079E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: copy pending
- CMUN03080E SOURCE Copy Services: recovery command rejected
- CMUN03081E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: secondary command invalid
- CMUN03082E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: Global Mirror invalid transition
- CMUN03083E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: preexisting Remote Mirror and Copy pair
- CMUN03084E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: busy
- CMUN03085E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: maximum number of FlashCopy relationships exceeded
- CMUN03086E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volume already in FlashCopy relationship
- CMUN03087E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: reverse bitmap non-zero
- CMUN03088E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: secondary error
- CMUN03089E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: session already open
- CMUN03090E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: session command not defined
- CMUN03091E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: session members not defined
- CMUN03092E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: session not open
- CMUN03093E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: invalid session number
- CMUN03094E SOURCE Operation failure: status cannot be determined.
- CMUN03095E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: subordinate count out of range
- CMUN03096E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: target online
- CMUN03097E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: target reserved
- CMUN03098E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: topology missing paths
- CMUN03099E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: VM minidisk
- CMUN03100E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volume in session
- CMUN03101E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volume in use
- CMUN03102E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volume inaccessible
- CMUN03103E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volume long busy
- CMUN03104E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: source and target volume mismatch
- CMUN03105E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volume not restorable
- CMUN03106E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volume reserved
- CMUN03107E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volumes in session
- CMUN03108E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volumes not found
- CMUN03109E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: volumes not simplex
- CMUN03110E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: warm start occurred
- CMUN03111E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: writes prohibited by suspend
- CMUN03112E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: Global Mirror consistency cannot be maintained.
- CMUN03113E SOURCE Operation failure: CKD base required
- CMUN03114E SOURCE Unable to establish FlashCopy with fast reverse restore: previous FRR
- CMUN03115E SOURCE Performance statistics cannot be accumulated: LSS not configured
- CMUN03116E SOURCE Performance statistics cannot be accumulated: resource not configured
- CMUN03117E SOURCE Unable to establish FlashCopy or Remote Mirror and Copy pair. A FlashCopy initialization is in progress.
- CMUN03118E SOURCE Copy Services error: Intervention is required.
- CMUN03119E SOURCE Hardware error: An unusual hardware condition originates in the channel, drive, or storage unit.
- CMUN04000E SOURCE Operation failure: Copy Services server failure
- CMUN04001E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN04002E SOURCE Operation failure: internal error
- CMUN04003E SOURCE Operation failure: internal error
- CMUN04004E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid parameters
- CMUN04005E SOURCE Operation failure: node agent 0 fails
- CMUN04006E SOURCE Operation failure: node agent 1 fails
- CMUN04007E SOURCE Operation failure: resource not found
- CMUN04008E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN04009E SOURCE Operation failure: unknown
- CMUN05000E SOURCE Operation failure: alternate busy
- CMUN05001E SOURCE Operation failure: duplicate user name in alternate repository
- CMUN05002E SOURCE Operation failure: duplicate user name in local repository
- CMUN05003E SOURCE Operation failure: alternate communication failure
- CMUN05004E SOURCE Operation failure: group not found in alternate repository
- CMUN05005E SOURCE Operation failure: group not found in local repository
- CMUN05006E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid user account name
- CMUN05007E SOURCE Operation failure: local busy
- CMUN05008E SOURCE Operation failure
- CMUN05009E SOURCE Operation failure: maximum number of accounts reached on alternate repository
- CMUN05010E SOURCE Operation failure: maximum number of accounts reached on local repository
- CMUN05012E SOURCE Operation failure: incorrect password format
- CMUN05013E SOURCE Operation failure: password same as previous password
- CMUN05014E SOURCE Operation failure: alternate repository not accessible
- CMUN05015E SOURCE Operation failure: local repository not accessible
- CMUN05016E SOURCE Operation failure: request timed out
- CMUN05017E SOURCE Operation failure: internal error in alternate repository
- CMUN05018E SOURCE Operation failure: internal error in local repository
- CMUN05019E SOURCE Operation failure: settings entry not found in alternate repository
- CMUN05020E SOURCE Operation failure: settings entry not found in local repository
- CMUN05021E SOURCE Operation failure: user not found in alternate repository
- CMUN05022E SOURCE Operation failure: user not found in local repository
- CMUN06000E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to connect
- CMUN06001E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to copy code
- CMUN06002E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to copy log files
- CMUN06003E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to copy PE package
- CMUN06004E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to copy SA logs to the PE package
- CMUN06005E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to copy state save
- CMUN06006E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to create PE package
- CMUN06007E SOURCE Operation failure: results list is empty
- CMUN06008E SOURCE Operation failure: console server exception returned to SA
- CMUN06009E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to retrieve list of field-replacable units
- CMUN06010E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to retrieve list of network ports
- CMUN06011E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to retrieve password
- CMUN06012E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to retrieve list of storage servers
- CMUN06013E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to retrieve software version
- CMUN06014E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to retrieve trace service
- CMUN06015E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to extract Jar file for package bundle
- CMUN06016E SOURCE Operation failure: file or directory not found
- CMUN06017E SOURCE Operation failure: FTP failure
- CMUN06018E SOURCE Unable to activate code load: incompatible hardware and code versions
- CMUN06019E SOURCE Unable to activate code load: incompatible software version in package bundle
- CMUN06020E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid code bundle
- CMUN06021E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid file or directory
- CMUN06022E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to load code bundle
- CMUN06023E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to mark state save
- CMUN06024E SOURCE Operation failure: possible invalid code bundle
- CMUN06025E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to open file
- CMUN06026E SOURCE Operation failure: an external utility does not run
- CMUN06027E SOURCE Operation failure: thread interupted
- CMUN06028E SOURCE Operation failure: timeout
- CMUN06029E SOURCE Operation failure: unknown operating system
- CMUN06030E SOURCE Operation failure: environment variable not found
- CMUN06031E SOURCE Operation failure: unable to compress all files to zip file
- CMUN80000E Storage management console server unavailable
- CMUN80001E An error occurs while communicating with the storage management console server.
- CMUN80002E The client code is not at the same version level as the storage management console server code.
- CMUN80003E Information for this resource cannot be retrieved.
- CMUN80004E The resource cannot be created.
- CMUN80005E An error occurs while committing configuration changes.
- CMUN80006E The information for this resource cannot be retrieved.
- CMUN80007E Information for this resource cannot be retrieved.
- CMUN80008E Unknown error
- CMUN80009E The attributes specified for the resource are not valid.
- CMUN80010E You are not authorized to perform this action through the storage management console.
- CMUN80011E The connection cannot be made because authentication information is invalid.
- CMUN80012E The IP address of the host cannot be determined.
- CMUN80013E Task execution failure: timeout
- CMUN80014E Invalid parameter
- CMUN80015E Resource not found
- CMUN80016E The storage management console server reports an internal error.
- CMUN80017E SOURCE Copy Services communications error
- CMUN80018E SOURCE Authentication failure: Your account is locked.
- CMUN80019E SOURCE Authentication failure: The security database is not accessible.
- CMUN80020E SOURCE Authentication failure: invalid password
- CMUN80021E SOURCE Authentication failure: Unable to connect to type 2105 machine.
- CMUN80022E SOURCE Authentication failure: Your password has expired.
- CMUN80023E SOURCE Authentication failure: Nonexistent account.
- CMUN80024E SOURCE Authorization failure: You are not authorized to run this task.
- CMUN80025E SOURCE Rank creation denied. This rank would exceed the installed LMC feature key enablement. Delete all references to this rank.
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