5 arm extended debugger, Arm extended debugger – Intel IQ80219 User Manual

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Board Manual


Intel® IQ80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Evaluation Platform

Getting Started


ARM Extended Debugger

For further information on the AXD Debugger, refer to the content of the ARM ADS. This setup
assumes that Angel is Flashed on the board:


Terminal emulator runs on host and communicates with the board via the serial cable.


Power up the target board. After the ‘reset’ is asserted, the two 7-segment LEDs
display blank. The time for reset is approximately 1 or 2 seconds.

Assumptions: ARM Developer Suite (ADS) is loaded to Win32 Host, Angel is Flashed to ROM,

Host com port is connected to board serial port ## and compiled project file



Following are the steps from setup to running a project file that has been previously created and
named Worchester.mcp:

1. From Windows start menu:

a. Programs -> ARM Developer Suite v1.1 -> Metrowerks CodeWarrior

2. From CodeWarrior open project and start debugger:

a. File -> Open (All files) -> Worchester.mcp

b. Project -> Enable Debugger

c. Project -> Debug (AXD Interface comes up)

3. From AXD (ARM extended debugger) configure and connect:

a. Connect Host to Target with serial cable

Options -> Configure Target … -> Set Target Environment = ADP

Select Configure

Select… , ARM Serial Driver, OK

Endian: Little

Configure… , Serial Port:= COM1, Baud Rate:=115200, OK, OK, OK

b. Load Image and Start

On AXD menu: File -> Load Image… -> File name: Cyclone.axf -> Open ->

c. Execute -> Select Go, Breakpoints

4. The LEDs now Flashes ‘80219’. You can set breakpoints and step to control speed or stop



To be supplied separately.