IBM SSA 32H3816 User Manual

Page 33

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¦ ¦CONFIG SSA Configurator and Service Aids Vyymmdd XX Version¦ ¦

¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ Main Menu ¦ ¦

¦ +----------------------------¦ ¦

¦ ¦ +------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ New Disks ¦ List of System Resources ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Free Resour+------------------------------------------------¦ ¦

¦ ¦ System Reso¦SSA UID/Array Name Status Adapter Disk¦ ¦

¦ ¦ SSA Adapter¦ +------------------------------------------+ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Event/Error¦ ¦ Candidates for System Resources ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Service Aid¦ +------------------------------------------¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ About ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦1. CANUID111 Online ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦2. CANUID222 Online ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ +---¦ ¦-+ ¦

¦ ¦ +------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ Exit Select Help FlashOn ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ FlashOff ¦ ¦

¦ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦

¦ ¦


These are the resources that are in the free state.

Select the resource that you want to attach. Its name disappears from this list.

c. The System resources window reappears with the new resource added with the appropriate drive address assigned.

2. If you are using OS/2, exit the configurator, shutdown your system, and reboot. This enables the operating system to recognize

the revised list of attached resources and drive addresses.

3. Use your operating system to assign logical partitions and drive identifiers to the new resources (for example, FDISK).

SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.

Attaching Resources

_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996

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