IBM SSA 32H3816 User Manual

Page 29

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Select the type of array to be created. You can scroll the contents of the window by using the arrow keys.

4. A list of the arrays of this type already controlled by this adapter appears in a new window (this list may be blank):


¦ ¦

¦ ¦

¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦CONFIG SSA Configurator and Service Aids Vyymmdd XX Version¦ ¦

¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ Main M+------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter (Q) ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ +------------------------------------------¦ ¦

¦ ¦ New Disks ¦ RAID-0 Arrays ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Free Resour¦ RAID-1 A+-------------------------------+¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Syst+------¦ RAID-5 A¦ List of RAID-X Arrays ¦¦ ¦

¦ ¦ SSA ¦ ¦ Rejected+-------------------------------¦¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Even+------¦ Non-Vola¦Array name Status ¦¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot-spar¦1. xxxxxxxx yyyyyyy ¦¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run Conc¦ ¦¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Run Non-+-------------------------------+¦ ¦

¦ ¦ +------¦ View Adapter VPD ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ Disk Service Aids ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ +------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ Exit Select Insert Delete ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Help FlashOn FlashOff Modify Attributes ¦ ¦

¦ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦

¦ ¦


Press Insert.

5. A window opens showing the attributes for the type of array selected:


¦ ¦

¦ ¦

¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦CONFIG SSA Configurator and Service Aids Vyymmdd XX Version¦ ¦

¦ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ Main M+------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +--------------¦ Bus X Device Y Slot Z Adapter (Q) ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ +------------------------------------------¦ ¦

¦ ¦ New Disks ¦ RAI+---------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ Free Resour¦ RAI¦ Filter Attributes for RAID-X Arrays ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Syst+------¦ RAI+---------------------------------------¦ ¦

¦ ¦ SSA ¦ ¦ Rej¦ SSA UID/Array Name : xxxxxxxx ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Even+------¦ Non¦ attribute1 : xx ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Serv¦ Bus X¦ Hot¦ attribute2 : yy ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ Abou¦ Bus X¦ Run¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Run¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ +------¦ Vie¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ Dis+---------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ +------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------+ ¦

¦ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦ Exit Select Help ¦ ¦

¦ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦

¦ ¦

¦ ¦


You must type in a unique array name (of up to 14 characters) for the new array. The default values for the attributes are

shown. You can change these values by overtyping them. (The Help screen provides details of the values that are allowed.)
Use the arrow keys to scroll the contents of the window, if necessary, to ensure that you check all the attributes. Press Enter to
set each attribute in turn.
6. When you set the last attribute, the list (initially blank) of members of the array appears in a new window:


¦ ¦

¦ ¦

SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.

Creating an Array

_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996

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