IBM SSA 32H3816 User Manual
Page 27

3.2 Accepting New Disk Drives
To accept new disk drives into the SSA subsystem:
1. From the SSA Main Menu, select New Disks.
2. A window opens containing a list of all the disk drives not previously used in a PC server:
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In this list, for each disk drive that you want to configure into your SSA subsystem, highlight its name and press Delete. At the
prompt, confirm the deletion. Its name disappears from the list; it is now in the free state.
You can return to the Main Menu by pressing Esc.
You can display a list of all the disk drives that are in the free state by selecting Free Resources in the Main Menu.
You can define disk drives that are in the free state as members of an array; "Creating an Array" in topic 3.3 describes how to do
this. Alternatively, disk drives can be accessed individually; for such disk drives, go directly to "Attaching Resources" in topic 3.4 for
instructions on attaching them to the system.
Also, disk drives can be defined as hot spares. "Defining a Hot Spare" in topic 5.1 describes how to do this.
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.
Accepting New Disk Drives
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996
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