Six tiers of solutions for off-site recovery, Tier 0: no off-site data, Tier 1 - physical removal – IBM SC34-7012-01 User Manual

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How critical and sensitive your business processes are: the more critical they are,
the more frequently testing may be required.

Six tiers of solutions for off-site recovery

One blueprint for recovery planning describes a scheme consisting of six tiers of
off-site recoverability (tiers 1-6), with a seventh tier (tier 0) that relies on local
recovery only, with no off-site backup.

The tiers cover a full range of recovery options, ranging from no data moved
off-site to full off-site copies with no loss of data. The following figures and text
describe them from a CICS perspective.

Tier 0: no off-site data

Tier 0 is defined as having no requirements to save information off-site, establish a
backup hardware platform, or develop a disaster recovery plan. Tier 0 is the
no-cost disaster recovery solution.

Figure 17 summarizes the tier 0 solution.

Any disaster recovery capability would depend on recovering on-site local records.
For most true disasters, such as fire or earthquake, you would not be able to
recover your data or systems if you implemented a tier 0 solution.

Tier 1 - physical removal

Tier 1 is defined as having a disaster recovery plan, required data set backups
physically removed and transported to an off-site storage facility, and optionally, a
backup site, but without the required hardware currently installed.

Figure 18 on page 226 summarizes the tier 1 solution.


Data not sent offsite
Recovery done utilizing onsite
local records


Least expensive cost
No disaster recovery capability

Figure 17. Disaster recovery tier 0: no off-site backup

Chapter 19. Disaster recovery