Recovery for intrapartition transient data, Backward recovery – IBM SC34-7012-01 User Manual
Page 143
- File is defined with RECOVERY(ALL): the open fails.
– Base cluster has RECOVERY(ALL):
- File is defined with RECOVERY(NONE): the open fails.
- File is defined with RECOVERY(BACKOUTONLY): the open fails.
- File is defined with RECOVERY(ALL): the open proceeds unless
FWDRECOVLOG specifies a different journal id from the base cluster, in
which case the open fails.
Any failure to open a file against a data set results in a message to the console. If
necessary, the recovery options must be changed. To change the recovery attributes
(held in the base cluster block) of a VSAM data set, you can use the CEMT, or
EXEC CICS, SET DSNAME REMOVE command. This deletes the base cluster
block, so CICS has no record of prior recovery settings for the VSAM data set. The
next file to open against this data set causes a new base cluster block to be built
and, if the file is opened for update, the data set takes on the recovery attributes of
this file.
The base cluster block, together with its recovery attributes, and the inconsistency
condition that may be set if you are using XFCNREC, are preserved even when all
the files relating to the block are closed, and across warm and emergency restarts.
Implementing forward recovery with user-written utilities
If you use your own forward recovery programs, you must ensure they use the
after images from the forward recovery log streams. The use of autojournal records
written to a general log stream is not recommended for VSAM forward recovery.
About this task
For details of procedures for performing forward recovery, see Chapter 17,
“Forward recovery procedures,” on page 187.
For programming information about the format of log and journal records, see the
CICS Customization Guide.
Implementing forward recovery with CICS VSAM Recovery
You can use CICS VSAM Recovery MVS/ESA (CICSVR) to recover lost or
damaged VSAM data sets.
About this task
For details, see Forward recovery with CICS VSAM Recovery.
Recovery for intrapartition transient data
This section deals with both backward and forward recovery of intrapartition
transient data.
Backward recovery
CICS can recover only intrapartition transient data. The intrapartition data set is a
VSAM ESDS data set, with a file name of DFHINTRA.
Chapter 12. Defining recoverability for CICS-managed resources