IronPort Systems ZyAIR B-4000 User Manual

Page 71

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ZyAIR B-4000 Hot Spot Gateway

Accounting 7-5




Charge by levels Disable the charge by level function to charge all of the subscriber’s time units only at

the highest level (least expensive) that their total number of button presses reaches.

Enable the charge by levels function to charge the subscriber the rates at each
successive level from the first level (least expensive) to the highest level (least
expensive) that their total number of button presses reaches.


These are the read-only level numbers of the discount charges.


A discount level takes effect whenever the button selected in the Three button Printer
section is pressed more than or the same number of times as the number
displayed in the Button Presses field.

Button Presses

Enter the number of times the button must be pressed to equal that discount level.

Unit Price

Enter each level’s charge per time unit.


Click Apply to save your settings to the ZyAIR.

7.3.1 Charge By Levels Example

This is an example of how charge by levels accounting works. The discount price plan allows you to make
the unit price lower as the subscriber purchases more (meaning a higher number of button pushes). The
Unit Price for level 1 is always the same as the base charge ($2.00 for this example). The following screen
has discount price level 2 set to $1.75 and level 3 set to $1.50. Taxes are not included in this example.

Figure 7-2 Charge By Levels Example