Account list, Account log, 3 account list – IronPort Systems ZyAIR B-4000 User Manual

Page 173: 4 account log

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ZyAIR B-4000 Hot Spot Gateway

System Status 19-5

Table 19-1 System




This field displays the street address of the device’s location.


This field displays the city of the device’s location.

State / Province

This field displays the state or province of the device’s location.

ZIP/ Postal Code

This field displays the zip code or postal code for the device’s location.


This field displays the country of the device’s location.

Contact Name

This field displays the name of the person responsible for this device.

Contact Telephone

This field displays the telephone number of the person responsible for this device.

Contact FAX

This field displays the fax number of the person responsible for this device.

Contact Email

This field displays the e-mail address of the person responsible for this device.

SSL Certificate


This field displays the two-letter abbreviation of your country.


This field displays the name of the state or province where your organization is

Local City

This field displays the name of the city your organization is located.


This field displays the name of your organization.

Origination Unit

This field displays additional information about your organization.

Common Name

This field displays the fully qualified domain name of your web server.

Email Address

This field displays your e-mail address.

19.3 Account List

Refer to the Accounting chapter for an example and explanation of the ACCOUNT LIST screen.

19.4 Account Log

The ACCOUNT LOG screen displays information on the ZyAIR’s subscriber account logs.
Click SYSTEM STATUS and ACCOUNT LOG to display the screen as shown. Click a column heading
to sort the entries if applicable.