Ftp server – Micro Innovations M000174-19 User Manual
Page 51

Windows CE
7.5 FTP
The FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) is used for transferring files via the Ethernet. The server
program for Windows CE is called «FtpSvr.exe».
The following dialog appears on startup.
The Hide function is used to minimize the dialog, i.e. it
is reduced to the
icon inside the start bar. Double
touching this icon will then cause the above dialog to
be displayed again. A password protection can be
activated via Password Settings (see
). Touching the Stop button will disconnect an
active FTP connection and stop the FTP server.
Touching Start will restart the FTP server and enables
an FTP connection to be re-established.
• Upload/download of the project
• Up/download of the password and recipe data
• Start the FTP server on the panel via the Start menu.
• Configuration of an FTP connection in GALILEO or another program. For this, the IP address, the
user name and the password must be known. A new device has the following factory settings:
IP address:
IP address
User name:
Can be used if required
• Transfer of the files
• Closing of the FTP server
Only files that are NOT being used or processed at the same time by other programs can be
accessed. For greater security the FTP server should not be permanently active.