Monessen Hearth BLDV7 SERIES BLDV500N/PV7;N/PSC7 User Manual

Page 42

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BLDV7 Series Gas Fireplace

LoG & roCK wooL InStaLLatIon

Figure 54 -
Rock wool placement

roCK wooL pLaCeMent

1. Place rock wool on burner to provide glowing

embers. For best results, pull the rock wool apart
into pieces the size of a dime or smaller.

. Distribute one layer of rock wool to cover the burner.

Figure 53

3. Place the logs on the burner. Refer to Log Placement

below. Light unit and after 15 minutes, check burner
flame and glow. Refer to Burner Flame, Page 44.

If the flame is blue and only in the center, turn off unit
and let cool. After unit cools, remove logs. If the back
holes are clear, add more rock wool to the center of the
burner. Replace logs and check flame again. Save left
over rock wool to refresh when cleaning later. Too much
rock wool can disturb the flame and cause sooting on
the glass or logs.

LoG pLaCeMent

1. Place the rear log (#1) in place by sliding it over the

rear pins on the right and the left.

. Place the right front log (#3) over the burner and grate

by matching the hole on the bottom of the log with
the pin on the burner. Also match the cut-out on the
bottom of the log with the bars on the grate. note:
When this log is in place pull towards the front.

3. Place the left front log (#5) over the burner and grate

by matching the holes on the bottom of the log with
the pin on the burner. Also match the cut-out on the
bottom of the log with bars on the grate. note: When
this log is in place the branch on this log will lay over
the rear log on the left. Pull log forward.

4. Place the right upper log (#) at an angle toward

the burner by matching the rectangular notch on the
bottom of this log with the rectangular protrusion on
the right front log (#3). The burned side of this log will
point toward the burner.

hearth BrICK pLaCeMent

Place the hearth brick centered in front of burner and slide back until it hits the stops on the right
and left of burner.

BDVL base

Figure 53 -
Placement of Rock Wool on Burner

Cover with
Rock Wool







Do not use the entire bag of rock wool
to cover the burner. this could cause
the flame to burn poorly and may lead to

BLDV ember place


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