MicroNet Technology SP3367N User Manual
Page 26

Service Name
Enter the name of your ISP.
User Name
Enter the username exactly as your ISP assigned.
Enter the password that your ISP has assigned to you.
Please check with your ISP the method of multiplexing. In
Bridge Mode, please select “1483 Bridge IP LLC” or “1483
Bridge IP VC-Mux”. In PPPoE/PPPoA mode, please select
“PPPoE LLC”, “PPPoE VC-Mux”, “PPPoA LLC”, or “PPPoA
Bridge Interface
This router has built-in ADSL modem and is able to connect
to ISP directly. Alternatively, if you want to use the dial up
software to manually connect to the ISP, you have to activate
the”Bridge Interface”.
Always On – The connection will be kept always on. If the
connection is interrupted, the router will re-connect
Connect On-Demand – Only connect when you want to surf
the Internet. “Close if idle for xx minutes” is set to stop the
connection when the network traffic is not sending or
receiving after an idle time.
Connect Manually – After you have selected this option,
please go to Status page. You will see the “Connect” button,
click it and the router will connect to the ISP. If you want to
stop the connection, please click “Disconnect” button.
TCP MSS Option
The “TCP MSS Option” enables the configuration of the
maximum segment size (MSS) for transient packets that
traverse a router, specifically TCP segments in the SYN bit
set, when PPPoE is being used in the network. Please specify
the MSS range from 100 to 1452 bytes or 0 byte as the
default value.
Get IP Address
Choose Static or Dynamic IP Address. If Static IP is selected,
please set the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway
obtained from your ISP.
Static IP Address
Enter the IP Address assigned by your ISP.
IP Subnet Mask
Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by your ISP.
Enter the Gateway assigned by your ISP.
NAT (Network Address Translation), an
addresses for intern
for external traffic. When NAT is enabled, the router will help
to make all necessary IP address translations for the PC
connected to the router to access the Internet.
Default Route
When “Default Router” is enabled, all the packets for
destinations not known by
to the default route. By default, it is enabled.
TCP MTU Option
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) determine the maximum
size of each packet in any transmission within the network.
Please specify the MTU range from 100 to 1500 bytes or 0
byte as the default value.