Controller operational tests – Garland 200 User Manual

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Part # MCOSM06 Rev 1 (11/03/08)


For the Garland (US Range) 200(20) – 300(30) – 410(41)

– 450(45) – 455(45+) – 470 – 4712 – 475 FAST convection oven


200 Series Controller (Thermostat only)

Turn the oven on, the oven should heat to set temperature

within 30 minutes. If the oven does not heat, ohm out the

probe, at room temperature the probe should read about

1,000 ohms. Ohm the probe at the faston connection. See

the chart for other resistance readings. If the probe reads

an open or short, replace the defective probe. Check the

probe interconnect harness to make sure the circuit is good,

connections etc.

The heat relay K1 should be energized when heating the oven

and opened if it is not calling for heat.

The fan is not controlled by the controller.

300 Series Controller

(Thermostat and relay board)

Turn the oven on, the oven should heat to set temperature

within 30 minutes. If the oven does not heat, ohm out the

probe, at room temperature the probe should read about

1,000 ohms. Ohm the probe at the faston connection. See

chart for other resistance readings. If the probe reads an

open or short replace the defective probe. Check the probe

interconnect harness to make sure the circuit is good,

connections, etc.

The heat demand rely K1B should be energized then heating

the oven and opened if it is not calling for heat. Look at the

heat LED CR1 on the relay board, the LED will be lit when the

controller calls for heat. Check the door switch if the heat

does not activate. Upper door switch is for HEAT.

The fan can switch from low to high speed. Look at the fan

LED on the relay board (there is a low CR4 and a high fan

CR30, the LED will be lit when the controller calls for either

fan. If the operator cannot switch from one fan speed to

another check the keypad. If the light switched on the display

from one fan speed to another but the fan did not change

speeds check the relay board. If the display switched and the

fan went off, check the fan itself.

If the keypad does not respond, check the keypad as outlined

in bulletin B-107-2001.

If the potentiometer does not adjust the temperature, check

the potentiometer. Pot is a 0 to 10.25K Ohm pot.

410 Series Controller

(Thermostat, display and relay board)

Turn the oven on, the oven should heat to set temperature

within 30 minutes. Press the temperature icon and the

temperature can be viewed above 100 degrees F. If the oven

does not heat, ohm out the probe, at room temperature the

probe should read about 1,000 ohms. Ohm the probe at the

faston connection. See chart under Probes in section four for

other resistance readings. If the probe reads an open or short

replace the defective probe.

The heat demand relay K1F should be energized when

heating the oven and opened if it is not calling for heat.

Look at the heat LED CR1 on the relay board, the LED will be

lit when the controller calls for heat. Check the upper door

switch if the heat does not activate.

The fan can switch from low to high speed. Look at the fan

LED on the relay board (CR3 LED for high and CR4 for low

speed), the LED will be lit when the controller calls for either

fan. If the operator cannot switch from one fan speed to

another, check the keypad. If the light switched on the display

from one fan speed to another but the fan did not change

speeds check the relay board. If the display switched and the

fan went off, check the fan itself.

If the keypad does not respond, check the keypad as outlined

in bulletin B-107-2001 If the encoder does not adjust the

temperature, check from idle; press the set function key and

adjust the encoder; the display should change accordingly. If

it does not, change the encoder.

450 Series Controller

(Thermostat, display and relay board)

Follow the steps for the 410 controller.

If the display shows a temperature only and the function keys

do not operate, check to see if the hold LED is active. Press

cancel to deactivate the hold feature and return to the idle


455 Series Controller

(Thermostat, display and relay board)

Follow the steps for the 410 controller.

If the display shows a temperature only and the function keys

do not operate, check to see if the hold or core temp LED is

active. Press cancel to deactivate the hold feature and return

to the idle mode or remove the core probe to return to idle
