GE FGB-M05 User Manual
Page 32
Rev. May 2001
GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S)
Page 31
3.3.3 Input & Output monitor
The input & Output screen menu (F1) ‘controller / digital I/O monitor’ displays all digital
input and output lines. Every object in the screen can be selected by using the arrow-keys.
When a output line is selected and
operator has control of the digital outputs when the controller is in ‘manual mode’.
Adjustment of the gravimetric blender
The controller has some system-parameters. These parameters must be entered during the
installation of the GraviMaster. The controller uses these parameters to read the weigh bin
signal correctly, to open the weigh bin-valve, control the dispense-valves or motors etc.
3.4.1 Calibration of the weigh bin
The controller uses two known (entered) calibration-points to calculate a weighline. The
controller uses this line to fi nd a weight by every input-signal. The two calibration-points
must be entered by the operator by the menu (F1) ‘controller / calibration / loadcell’.
The calibration-procedure of the loadcell has two steps. Extra information is given to the
operator by every step. This information is displayed at the top of the screen. First be sure
that the weighbin is empty and press (F3). The weight of the empty weighbin is measured
and stored by the controller. Next step is to fi ll the weighbin with a reference-weight and be
sure that the input fi eld on the terminal has the same value. Now press (F3) again and the
second calibration-point is measured and stored. The calibration-procedure is now ready.
The second calibration-point must be greater then the fi rst one.
3.4.2 Tare of the weighbin
Due to temperature, age, overload etc. it is possible that the weighline of the controller
‘moves’. When the line has moved a zero-weight will be displayed that isn’t zero. To move
the weightline back it is possible to start a new calibration procedure. But the calibration-
procedure takes a lot of time and the weightline is correct (it only moved). The tare-function
moves the line back to its zero-point. To start the tare function enter menu (F1) ‘controller
/ calibration / loadcell-tarration’.