GE FGB-M05 User Manual

Page 14

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Rev. May 2001

GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S)

Page 13



2.7.6 Dispensing

Dispensing of the different components will start after the calculation of the related weights.

The components are dispensed in the order as defi ned in the recipe (gravimetric only). In

volumetric mode all components are dispensed at the same time.

Every mechanical valve has a reaction time. The controller uses the ‘Hardware Reaction

Time’ to calculate the time which the dispense valve must be activated. The ‘Hardware

Time’ is the maximum active time of the valve when no material is dispensed. The

controller uses a pulse of 5ms in the following algorithm:


= Weight [g] / dipenseSpeed [g/s]

OpenPulses = (OpenTime [s] / 0.005 [s]) + HardwareReactionTime [Puls]

After every dispense cycle the weight is measured. The weight bin must be stable before

the weight can be measured, therefore a time delay is inserted between dispense and

measuring. When the controller starts measuring the signal must be stable for at least 1 sec.

(signal within the ‘Weighbin-variationband’)

After measuring the weight of the fi rst dispense some calculations can be done, and with

the results parameters can be changed. Result is a more accurate next dispense. After the

fi rst dispense of a material one of the following situation occurs:




The difference between calculated- and measured weight is less then the dispense accuracy.

In this case extra dispense tries of this material are not necessary.

Dispense not correct (too little)

The difference between calculated- and measured weight is more than the dispense

accuracy but there is less dispensed (measured) than calculated. In this case the controller

reacts according to the chosen ‘alarm-type’. The following ‘alarm-types’ are possible:


No extra dispense-tries. Relations within the recipe will corrected by


WARNING The controller tries to reach the dispense-accuracy by extra dispenses. The

extra dispenses are limited by the parameter ‘dispenseTry’. When after a

maximum number of dispense tries, the accuracy is not reached the controller

sends a warning only to the user (= The controller continues with the next



The reaction of the controller is equal to ‘WARNING’ only an error is sent

to the user when the accuracy is not reached. Now the controller waits for a

confi rmation (enter) to initiate new dispense tries of the same material. This

process goes on until the dispense accuracy is reached.