Index – Galaxy Metal Gear 65 User Manual
Page 249

Abort an Array Utility page 22
Abort Initialization 120, 121
Abort Verify 126
access to partitions, controlling 27, 144
accessing the Disk Array Administrator
software 95, 103
Add a Partition 121
Add an Array 106, 111
Add Host to List 150
Add or Name Host 147
Add or Name Host screen 148
arrays 105
dedicated spares 168
partitions 121
pool spares 171
turning on or off for the Galaxy
65 44, 200
Alarm Mute 202
Alarm Mute push-button 10, 61
Alarm Mute screen 202
aliases, giving to WWNs 28, 147
anti-tamper lock 75
Array Drive Status page 20
Array Status 118
array types
maximum number of drives 105
minimum number of drives 105
adding 105
adding a partition to 121
bringing back online 23, 130
changing names of 23, 129
changing ownership of 23, 130
creating 105
creating a multiple-partition 111
creating a single-partition 106
deleting 24, 131
expanding capacity of 126
managing 20, 116
mixing disks 93
reconstructing 126, 167
resetting all statistics 21
resetting overall statistics 166
status of expanding 129
status of verifying 22, 125
stopping the initialization
process 120
stopping the verify process 22, 125
trusting 23, 130
verifying 22, 123
viewing aggregate statistics for
all 36
viewing read/write histogram 21, 36,
viewing statistics 21, 165
viewing status of 20, 117
viewing status of drives in 54, 119,
Audible Alarm 5, 10, 15, 61, 63, 65
Audio Alarm page 45
backoff percentage
changing 68
Backplane 2, 6, 69
battery 74
disabling 46, 204
enabling 46, 204
Battery screen 205
bay 2
Blink Drive LED page 56
blinking, LED of disk drive 56, 182
Bus Paused screen 207, 208
disabling for disk drives 55, 177
disabling write-back for
partitions 143
enabling for disk drives 55, 177
enabling write-back for
partitions 143
locking setting on the Galaxy 65 45,
setting read-ahead size for
partitions 142
Cache Lock screen 203, 204