Galaxy Metal Gear 65 User Manual
Page 170

Galaxy 65 User Guide
• Display Host List: Displays a list of the hosts currently on the include or exclude list for the selected
partition. This option only displays hosts if you have already used Add Host to List and added one
or more WWNs to an include or exclude list.
• Add Host to List: Displays the Enter Host WWN screen where you enter the WWN or name (alias)
or select the host you want to add to the current list for the selected partition. The list of WWNs and
nicknames that displays contains only the last 16 hosts that started or that you named. If you know
other WWNs or names, you can enter the WWN or nickname. Enter the WWN or nickname or select
the host from the list and press Enter.
• Remove Host from List: Displays the Remove Host from List screen, which contains a list of the
hosts currently on the include or exclude list for the selected partition. Select the WWN of the host
you want to remove from the list and press Enter.
• Change InfoShield Type: Displays the Change InfoShield Type screen where you can change the
InfoShield type to one of four options described below. Changing the InfoShield type does not add
or remove any hosts in previously created lists.
– Include All Hosts: Permits all hosts on the network to access the selected array. This is the
default InfoShield type. This results in all hosts being able to access all partitions. If you have
already created an include or exclude list, you can use this option to override the list. Your
existing list is retained and you can display, add, or remove hosts from the list.
– Include Listed Hosts: Lets you enter or select the WWNs of the specific hosts you want to be
able to access the selected partition. The list of WWNs and nicknames that displays contains
only the last 16 hosts that started or that you named. If you know other WWNs or names, you
can enter the WWN or nickname.
– Exclude All Hosts: Permits no hosts on the network to access the selected partition. If you have
already created an include or exclude list, you can use this option to override the list. Your
existing list is retained and you can display, add, or remove hosts from the list.
– Exclude Listed Hosts: Lets you enter or select the WWNs or names (aliases) of the specific
hosts you do not want to be able to access the selected partition. The list of WWNs and
nicknames that displays contains only the last 16 hosts that started or that you named. If you
know other WWNs or nicknames, you can enter the WWN or nickname.
Whether you use an include or exclude list depends on your needs. You may want to determine
which list would be shorter and create the shorter list.
If you have changed the InfoShield, the system confirms that you want to make the change.
Select Yes and press Enter to make the changes.
The system confirms that the changes are made.
Press Esc to return to the InfoShield screen.
Changing All Partitions to Include All Hosts
You can change all partitions to include all hosts from the General InfoShield menu. This lets you quickly
change the InfoShield setting for all partitions at once to permit all hosts to see all partitions, overriding