Frye FONIX 7000 User Manual

Page 58

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FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Analyzer

Curve Name: This identifies the name of each curve. The first letter is derived
from its measurement type—coupler (C) or probe (P). The second letter is
derived from its ear—left (L) or right (R). (Coupler curves can also be labeled
A and B.) The third letter is the number of the curve. CR1 is the first coupler
curve for the right ear. PL2 is the second probe curve for the left ear.

Curve Title: This identifies the title of the real-ear curve. It is only available in
the real-ear measurement screens. Here are the possible titles: REUR (real-ear
unaided response), REAR (real-ear aided response), REIG (real-ear insertion
gain), TARG (real-ear target), HTL (hearing threshold level), UCL (uncomfortable

Source Type: This identifies the type of source used to make the curve. Each
curve is identified by three letters.

First letter:
C = Composite
P = Pure-tone
D = Digital Speech

Second letter:
For pure-tone:

N = Normal pure-tone
F = Fast pure-tone
S = Short pure-tone

For Composite or Digital Speech:

W = Weighted composite
F = Flat weighted
S = Spectrum

Third letter:
P = SPL measurement (power)
G = Gain measurement

Note: When it’s possible to toggle between Gain and SPL in the local menu, the
7000 test system will convert most curves back and forth between the two for-

Source Transducer: This identifies the transducer used to make the measure-
ment. “Chamb” means sound chamber. “S.F.” means sound field. “Tcoil” refers
to a telecoil board or telewand transducer.

Source Amplitude: This identifies the amplitude of the signal used to make the