Frye FONIX 7000 User Manual
Page 157

Real-Ear Measurements
pop-up selection menu. Use the up-down arrow keys to make the desired
selection. Press the right arrow key to complete the selection and close the
4. Use [F2] to select REAG 2. By default, this curve is set to 50 dB SPL (i.e.,
soft speech). To perform a medium speech curve measurement, use the up
arrow key to increase the source level to 65 dB SPL.
5. Press [START] to take the measurement. When the frequency response has
stabilized, press [STOP] to stop the measurement.
Measuring in the Real-ear Insertion Gain screen:
For a description of the Real-ear Insertion Gain screen, see Section 6.4.1. In
Figure 6.4.1, Curve 2 in the bottom graph shows the aided response, Curve 6 in
the top graph shows the real-ear insertion gain (REIG), and Curve A shows the
REIG prescription target.
When fitting to the prescription target, the Curve 6 should be within 5 dB of
Curve A. Make any necessary adjustments to the hearing aid fitting, and repeat
Step 5 above to make another measurement.
If desired, use [F2] to select REAG 3-5. It is recommended to perform real-ear
measurements as 50, 65, 80, and 90 dB SPL. For this reason, the default source
levels of REAG 2-5 are set accordingly. Use the up-down arrow keys to change
the selected source amplitude at any time. Target Curve A is always adjusted to
the source type and amplitude of the current selected aided curve.
Measuring in the Real-ear SPL screen:
For a description of the Real-ear SPL screen, see Section 6.4.2. In Figure 6.4.2,
Curve 2 is displayed as a solid (blue) curve on the SPL graph. When the NAL-
NL1 target is selected, a (blue) dotted Curve L is the prescription target for the
source type and amplitude used for Curve 2. To match the frequency response
to target, match Curve 2 to Curve L.
When using the NAL-NL1 fitting rule, Target Curve L should be used for REAR
2, Target Curve M should be used for REAR 3, and Target Curve H should be
used for REAR 4. REAR 5 can be compared to the displayed “U”s, representing
the patient’s uncomfortable levels to make sure that the response at 90 dB SPL
does not exceed them.
When using a target other than NAL-NL1, only the M target will be displayed in
the Real-ear SPL screen, which uses the source settings of REAR 3. Therefore,
to match the frequency response to a non-NAL-NL1 target, use [F2] to select
REAR 3, and perform the measurement. REAR 3 can be compared to the M tar-
Make any necessary adjustments to the hearing aid fitting, and use the [START]
and [STOP] keys to make another measurement. If desired, use [F2] to select