Frye FONIX 7000 User Manual
Page 156

FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Analyzer
the local menu. The average unaided response will now be displayed on the
measurement graph.
To auto-adjust the unaided response:
When using the SPL display in the Insertion Gain screen, or when measuring
in the Real-ear SPL screen (in other words, when the unaided response is dis-
played in terms of SPL and not gain), the unaided response includes the input
signal used in the measurement.
In order to directly compare the unaided response to the aided response in an
SPL graph, it is important that the speech weighting and input level of the input
signal are the same for both the unaided and the aided response. For example,
if the unaided response is measured at 65 dB SPL, it is difficult to directly com-
pare it to the measured aided response at 80 dB SPL when viewing the data in
an SPL graph. However, a direct comparison of the unaided and aided response
can be desirable in ensuring the hearing aid amplifies above the unaided
response. Therefore, the 7000 Hearing Aid Test System has an “REUR Auto
Adjust” feature.
When the REUR Auto Adjust is enabled, the unaided response is automatically
adjusted according to the speech weighting and input level of the selected aided
measurement. This allows the clinician to measure the unaided response at one
level and directly compare it to aided measurement curves measured at another
To enable the REUR Auto Adjust, press [MENU] in the Real-ear Insertion Gain
or Real-ear SPL screen to open the local menu. Use the arrow keys to select
REUR Auto Adjust under Measurements and change its setting to On.
The REUR Auto Adjust is automatically enabled when Unaided is set to Average
in the local menu.
6.4.4 Measuring the Aided Response (REAG/REAR)
Up to four different aided curves can be measured and displayed together in the
Real-ear Insertion Gain and Real-ear SPL screens. Any measurement made in
one of these screens will automatically be displayed in the other screen.
To measure the aided response:
1. Follow the instructions found in Section 6.4.3 to measure the unaided
response, if desired. Even if you don’t want to measure the unaided
response, follow the instructions in Steps 1-7 in Section 6.4.3 to enter an
audiogram, enter the measurement screen, insert the probe tube, and level
the sound field speaker.
2. Insert the hearing aid into the ear, being careful not to move the probe tube.
3. Select the signal source with the [F5] button. Digital Speech is a good source
type to use when measuring most hearing aids. (Press [F5] to open the