1 performing visible speech measurement – Frye FONIX 7000 User Manual
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FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Analyzer
Figure 6.8—Visible Speech screen before a measurement is taken. The shaded regions are
below and above the patient’s thresholds and uncomfortable levels. The L, M, and H lines rep-
present the real-ear targets at 50, 65, and 80 dB SPL. The l, m, and h lines represent the region
of unamplified speech.
6.8.1 Performing Visible Speech measurement
1. Enter the patient’s audiogram into the analyzer, as described in Section
2. Press [EXIT] from the Audiogram Entry screen to return to the Real-ear
Navigation screen.
3. Press [F5] to enter the Visible Speech screen.
4. Insert the probe microphone into the patient’s ear as described in Section
6.2.3. The reference microphone is not used in this measurement. It can be
placed on the earhook as normal, or left hanging behind the patient’s back
5. Insert the hearing aid into the ear, being careful not to move the probe tube.
6. Situate the patient in front of the person who will be providing the live
speech stimulus, or the loudspeaker providing the external signal.
7. Have the person start talking, or start the external signal. It is useful to
have a handheld sound level to monitor the input level of the signal at the
patient’s ear.
8. Press [START] on the 7000 analyzer. This will start the Visible Speech mea-