3 inserting the probe tube – Frye FONIX 7000 User Manual

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FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Analyzer

6.2.3 Inserting the probe tube

There are several different methods used for properly inserting the probe tube.
Here are two easy methods.

Method 1
1. Place an unattached probe tube on a flat surface along with the client’s

earmold or shell.

2. Place or hold the ear mold next to the probe tube, so that the tube rests

along the bottom of the canal part of the earmold, with the tube extending
at least 5 mm past the canal opening. If there is a large vent, you can slide
the tube down the vent until it protrudes at least 5 mm past the canal open-

3. Mark the probe tube where it meets the outside surface of the earmold with

a marking pen. See Figure 6.2.3A.

4. Attach the probe tube to the body of the probe microphone.
5. Attach the probe microphone to the round Velcro pad on the earhook.
6. Insert the probe tube (without the earmold or aid) into the client’s ear so

that the mark is at the location where the bottom of the outer surface of the
earmold will be, once the earmold is in place.

Figure 6.2.3A—Marking the probe tube

Method 2
This method uses the Composite signal and the fact that there is a dip in gain
inside the ear caused by a standing wave created by the 6 kHz frequency
reflecting off the eardrum.

1. Press [F2] to enter the Real-Ear Navigation screen from the Opening screen.
2. Press [F3] to enter the Insertion Gain screen.