FUJITSU Solaris PCI GigabitEthernet 3.0 User Manual
Page 36

3.3 Operation Mode Setup
― The example which sets a parameter to a fjgi.conf file is shown.
example 1. the case where use the card of PW008GE5 (10/100-/1000BASE-T), and
disable Auto-Negotiation and connection speed is made into 100Mbps and
name="fjgi" parent="/pci@15,2000" unit-address="1"
AutoNegotiation_A="Off" LinkSpeed_A="100" DuplexCapabilities_A="Half" ;
example 2. the case where use the card of PW008GE4 (1000BASE-SX) and
Auto-Negotiation is disabled
name="fjgi" parent="/pci@17,2000" unit-address="1"
AutoNegotiation_A="Off" ;
example 3. the case where use the port of the instance number 4 of PW008QG1
(10/100-/1000BASE-T), and enable Auto-Negotiation and connection speed is
made into 100Mbps and a Full-Duplex
name="fjgi" parent="/pci@83,4000/pci@3" unit-address="1,1"
AutoNegotiation_A="On" LinkSpeed_A="100" DuplexCapabilities_A="Full" ;
After making changes to the fjgi.conf file, the system must be rebooted.
● About speed/duplex/flowcontrol, it recommends carrying out default operation
(Auto-Negotiation). In that case, connection partner equipment should also enable
Auto-Negotiation. By doing so, it is the optimal. speed/duplex/flow control It
is set up automatically.
● When you use fjgi.conf file and you change mode of operation, please let mode of
operation in agreement with self-equipment and connection partner equipment. When
mode of operation is not in agreement with self-equipment and connection partner
equipment, it may not become a value as a link up is not carried out, or it cannot
communicate even if it carries out a link up, or mode of operation specified.
● When an adapter is removed, please remove the setting parameters of the applicable
adapter defined in the fjgi.conf file. If an adapter is removed and the setting
parameters are left in the fjgi.conf file, panic may occur at the time of a system
startup, and it becomes impossible to start.
● Because the parameters are set in the fjgi.conf file per physical interface, when
a VLAN interface is used, individual interface used by the VLAN interface must be
similarly configured.
● The parameters set in the fjgi.conf file may not become effective with DR(Dynamic
Reconfiguration) function and Pci Hot Plug function. The system must be rebooted
after the parameters are set.