Welltech SIPIVR 6800GS V.2.1 User Manual
Page 96

No Resource Goto: Next component to be executed if waiting connection
resource time out
Remark: Description or remark for this component
Database Disconnect
Disconnect the database connection. It will only free the resource for other
requests. SIPIVR 6800 will handle the connection pool by itself.
Right-click DB Disconnect component, the screen appears as Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-2
Alias Name: Used to identify a DB connection
Success Goto: This read-only field contains the component ID that takes
control following successful completion of the current component.
Error Goto: Next component to be executed if an error is occurred.
Remark: Description or remark for this component.
SQL Execute
Execute a SQL command. User has to define the output variable mapping
by using “Field Mapping” component for those SQL selection statements.
Right-click SQL Execute component, the screen appears as Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3