Welltech SIPIVR 6800GS V.2.1 User Manual
Page 15

• DTMF Relay Method: DTMF transport type selection.
- Transparent
- RFC2833
• RFC2833 Payload Type: RTP payload type used for RFC2833 DTMF
relay. Advance SIP Configuration
Step 3:
Click Advance button, you can setup the Advance SIP Configuration
and the Advance SIP Configuration screen displays as figure 2.1-10.
Figure 2.1-10
Parameter Description:
• UDP Port: The local UDP port on which the SIP Stack listens.
• Reliable Provision (100rel):Requited PRACK or not (100rel)
• Max Call Leg: The maximum number of call-legs the SIP Stack allocates.
You should set this value to the maximum number of call you expect the
SIP Stack to handle simultaneously.
• Max Transaction: The maximum number of transactions the SIP Stack
allocates. You should set this value to the maximum number of call you
expect the SIP Stack to handle simultaneously.
• Max Register Client: The maximum number of Register-Clients the SIP
Stack allocates. You should set this value to the maximum number of call
you expect the SIP Stack to handle simultaneously.
• Send Receive Buffer Size: Set the size of message buffer. The buffer used
by SIP Stack for receiving and sending SIP messages.
• Reject Unsupported Extension: Yes or No
• Message Pool Page Size: Used to hold and process all incoming and
outgoing message in the form of encoded messages or message objects.
It is recommended that you configure the page size to the average
message size your system is expected to message.
• General Pool Page Size: Used by SIP Stack objects, such as call-legs and