Welltech SIPIVR 6800GS V.2.1 User Manual
Page 53

Working directory: Set a directory for voice files (Check "Var" when the
working voice directory is stored at a variable). If you are using http play
back. Please set the working directory to
. An example is
. The message only input the file name in
http server.
Play List: Check this box to play the current Play List instead of
individual voice message setup in this component (Please refer to
section 4.1)
TTS Language: The selection of speech language
TTS Source: The source of TTS language
- Build-in: Use the build-in text for speech language
- Customize #1-4: Use the customer defined language.
Clear Digit Buffer: To clear the digit buffer before start to play
Is Var: Check “Is Var” box to indicate that the message string is a
variable name
Message: Messages or variable names to be played
Delay Interval (msec): Silence delay before next message
Message Content: The played format of the message
Voice File: pre-recorded G.711 mu-law raw file or wav file
Date ( format: yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy-mm-dd )
Time ( format: hh:mm:ss or hh:mm )
Digit/Alphabet ( English, up to 23 characters )
Text,up to 23 characters )
Interruptible: Stop play or not when user press the specified DTMF
Interrupt Key: Set Interrupt Key (0-9,*, #). Blank is used for any key
Background Play: Checks it to enable background play when your call
flow wants to do other task simultaneously (e.g. DB query). The channel
will go to next component immediately. The play will run on background
until reached the stop play component or play end condition.
Background Play
repeat times
Fax/modem Goto: Next component to be executed if the target is
a fax or modem.
Next Goto: Next component to be executed if the operation is
Error Goto: Next component to be executed if an error is occurred
Answer Machine Goto: Next component to be executed if the target is
an answer machine
Remark: Description or remark for this component
Play Announcement & Collect Digits
The Play Announcement & Collect Digits component can play up to 10
voice messages and collect input digits.
Right-click the Play Announcement & Collect Digits component, the
screen appears as figure 4-4.