Welltech SIPIVR 6800GS V.2.1 User Manual
Page 79

Source to MD5 Var: The string type variable of source text to be calculated
by MD5
Message Digest Var: The string type variable to be stored the result of
MD5 (message digest)
Next Goto: Next component to be executed
DES Encode
The DES Encode component provides a function for converting the plain
text to cipher text, by using the assigned private key.
Right-click the DES Encode component, the screen appears as Figure
Figure 5-16
Plain Text Var: Set the input plain text variable. (string type)
DES Encoding Key: Set the DES private key
Cypher Text Var: Set the output cypher text variable. (string type)
Use Triple DES Encode: Use triple-DES algorithm to encode plain text to
cypher based on DES Encoding Key
Next Goto: Next component to be executed
Remark: Description or remark for this component
DES Decode
The DES Decode component provides a function for decode the
cipher-text to its plain text, by using the assigned DES private key.
Right-click the DES Decode component, the screen appears as Figure