External (remote) logging of call data – AltiGen MAXCS 7.5 CDR User Manual
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Real-Time Monitoring and the CDR Client
8 CDR Manual
Add a Name and IP Address for the Internal Log Service, then click OK.
In the Internal Database Configuration section, select the Active
database retaining period in months. Check the Archive purged
record(s) field and select the number of months per archive file if you wish
to archive purged Internal Logger Service records.
External (Remote) Logging of Call Data
MAXCS allows you to output call accounting to a Microsoft SQL database
(see “Hardware Requirements” for databases supported).
The database cannot be on the same server as the MAXCS system. A
system integrator or database developer will need to write a custom query
to extract data from the SQL database.
You can send reports from a number of different MAXCS systems to the
same database.
Before you enable external logging using this window, you need to
set up and configure the database. It should be ready to receive the
reports before you enable the export here.
AltiGen does not provide any SQL backup and restore utility. We
strongly recommend that you use SQL Backup and Maintenance
utility to perform daily backup and maintenance jobs, and use a
restore utility to restore the database. If you need to reconstruct the
SQL server, run the External Logger Setup to create an empty
calldb database before restore.