Industrial Data Systems IDS 440 User Manual

Page 36

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IDS440 Users Manual version 4.2

Set Operation Parameters


Printer Parameters

The IDS440 provides a universal printer interface for various printers. The printer

interface allows you to select and customize the data output for serial or parallel printers.

The serial interface option uses Serial Port 1 (TB1) for connection to the printer. The

parallel interface uses the TTL I/O Port (TB4) for connection to the printer. Refer to the

“HARDWARE INSTALLATION AND WIRING “ section for information on connector

pin designations. NOTE: The parallel interface may not be available if the IDS440 is

configured to use setpoint outputs.

Parameter 29 Printer Port Select (2 [Serial Port 1])

Enter a number from the following list to select a printer option:

1 Parallel Printer interface.

2 Serial Printer interface.

Parameter 30 Auto Print LF after CR (1 [yes])

Some printers require a line feed character (LF) to advance the paper and some printers

advance the paper with only a carriage return character (CR).

Enter a 1 to automatically add a line feed after a carriage return.

Enter a 0 to NOT add a line feed after a carriage return.

Parameter 31 End of Print Character (12 [form feed])

The end of print character is sent to the printer at the end of a print transmission. If your

printer requires a special character to release the paper or to form feed the paper, enter the

code here. The ASCII chart in the appendix lists the ASCII codes and their numeric

values. Enter a 0 (zero) if no end of print character is required.

Parameters 32, 33 34, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 and 90 Print Labels

The IDS440 provide 7 programmable print labels. They are available for printing

company name, address, station ID, or other messages. Labels 32, 33, and 34 are up to

16 characters long; labels 84 - 90 are up to 30 characters long. Use the ASCII chart in the

appendix to look up the numeric values of the ASCII codes. Data entered into a print

label can include register data:

[253] [reg no] buffer register data, minimum size (zero blanked no spaces)

[254] [reg no] buffer register data, 7 character field, right justified

Or time & date [253][110], time [253][111], date [253][112].
Example: Print "Total [reg 1 data] ton". Select parameter 32 to begin Print Label 1

entry. The display prompts “C0 xxx” where xxx is the current character 0 entry. Enter:

84, 111, 116, 97, 108, 32, 254, 1, 32, 116, 111, 110, 13, 0

T o t a l

t o n

Remember to enter a 0 as the last entry of the print label.