3 weigh-in / weigh-out – Industrial Data Systems IDS 440 User Manual
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IDS440 Users Manual version 4.2
Built In Application Programs
# 3 Weigh-in / Weigh-out
This program uses the ID memory for weigh-in / weigh-out transactions. An ID record
is created using the Weigh-in function. The Weigh-out function recalls the ID, calculates
Gross/Tare/Net of the transaction, prints the transaction, and adds the net weight to the
ID’s totals register. The ID data is saved for further weigh-in/weigh-out transactions, or
weigh-out only transactions. A sequential transaction number is maintained for printing
Press the
F1 key. The display prompts "id". Enter up to 8 digits for the weigh-in ID and
then press the ENTER key. The scale weight is stored in the ID's tare register and print
page 3 is sent to the printer. For keyboard tare, enter the ID number and press the TARE
key (not the ENTER key). Enter the tare weight and press the ENTER key. If the ID
has been weighed in but not weighed-out then "Err 20" is displayed. Press the CLEAR
key to exit without changing the ID data, press the ENTER key to enter the new ID data.
Press the
F2 key. The display prompts "id". Enter up to 8 digits for the weigh-out ID
and then press the ENTER key. The indicator recalls the ID from memory, calculates the
gross, tare and net weights, totals the net weight and sends the weigh-out data (page 2) to
the printer. If an ID is entered that is not found in memory the displays "Err 21". Press
the CLEAR key to exit the weigh-out function.
The print formats label “(IN) GROSS” for weigh-in gross transactions, “(IN) TARE” for
weigh-in tare transactions, and “MEM TARE” to designate Memory tare for ID’s
recalled 2 or more times.
Print ID’s, Display ID’s, Clear Totals, Erase ID’s
Entering ID 0 accesses the ID maintenance functions. Press the F1 (or F2) key, press the
numeric 0 key, and then press the ENTER key. The display prompts "rePort". Press the
↓) key or the PRINT (↑) key to scroll through the ID file maintenance menu.
REPORT: Press the ENTER key when the display prompts "rePort". The display then
prompts "id". Enter an ID number to be printed or enter the numeric 0 to print all ID's.
DISPLAY ID’s: Press the ENTER key when the display prompts “diSPLA”. The
display then prompts “id”. Enter an ID number to display the data in its registers, or
enter 0 to scan ID memory.
CLEAR TOTALS: Press the ENTER key when "CLEAr" is displayed. The display
prompts "id". Enter an ID number to clear or enter the numeric 0 to clear all ID totals.
ERASE ID'S: Press the ENTER key when the display prompts "ErASE". The display
then prompts "id". Enter an ID to be erased or enter the numeric 0 to erase all ID's.