Brookfield QTS25 Texture Analyzer User Manual
Page 8

Page 8
• A HOLD test is a one-cycle test where the beam travels to the target value at
test speed, and then waits at target value until the ‘ENTER’. Key is pressed
whereupon it returns to the starting position at full speed.
• A CYCLE test is a single or multi cycle test where the beam travels to the
target value at test speed, and then immediately returns to the starting position
at test speed. The number of cycles may be selected between 1 and
250."Final" load is the last load A Repeat/TPA test is a two cycle test where
the beam travels to the target value at test speed, then immediately returns to
the trigger position at test speed, then travels back to the target value at test
speed, and then immediately returns to the starting position at test speed.
The display now reads :-
< Defining Test 20 >
< (Compression/Tension) >
The test type should be chosen using the up and down
↑↓ keys to scroll between
Compression and Tension.
Press 'ENTER'.
• A Compression test indicates that the beam will travel downwards first during
the test.
• A Tension test indicates that the beam will travel upwards first during the test.
The display now reads:
< Pre-set parameter >
< (Load/Distance) >
The target type (pre-set parameter) should be chosen using the up and down
↑↓ keys
to scroll between Load and Distance.
• A test with a pre-set parameter of Load means that the beam will travel at test
speed until it reaches the load entered.
• A test with a pre-set parameter of Distance means that the beam will travel at
test speed until it reaches the distance entered.
If Load is chosen as the pre-set parameter then the display now reads:
< Defining test 20 >
< Load = 0g >
Using the numerical keypad the value of target Load should be entered between 1 and
25,000g or 5,000g.
Press 'ENTER' once after inputting the value and once to accept the value.