Yamaha MT3X User Manual

Page 8

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@ PAN Controls

The PAN controls assign the signal from the corre­
sponding mixer channel to any desired position in

the “stereo sound field.” If a PAN control is set to
the maximum “LEFT” position, the signal from that
channel will appear only at the left-channel MT3X
output (ST OUT L). If the PAN control is set fully

RIGHT, the signal will appear only at the ST OUT
R output jack. If a PAN control is set to its center

position, then the signal from that channel will ap­
pear equally at both the left- and right-channel out­
puts, and the sound will appear at the center of the

stereo sound field (at a point midway between the

two stereo speakers). Other PAN control settings

place the sound at positions roughly corresponding

to the PAN control setting by varying the level of
the signal sent to the left- and right-channel out­

The PAN controls can also be used during record­
ing to assign the signal from several channels to a

single track of the recorder section, or to assign a
channel to a differently-numbered recorder track


page 15).


The REC SELECT switches are used when record­
ing to assign (send) the signal from each mixer

channel either directly to the corresponding track of

the recorder or to a different track via the PAN

MENT” on page 15).

- NOTE: ----------------------- -----------------------------

When any of the REC SELECT switches are set to a
position other than OFF, the red “• REC” indicator
below the corresponding channel’s bar-graph level

meter (see “CENTRAL DISPLAY PANEL” on page
11) will flash, indicating that the MT3X is set up to

© SYNC Switch

When the SYNC switch is turned ON (the SYNC in­
dicator will light), the input and output to and from

track 4 of the MT3X recorder are diverted to the

rear-panel SYNC IN and OUT jacks. The SYNC IN
and OUT jacks can be connected to the corre­
sponding input and output of an external MIDI con­

verter unit such as the YAMAHA YMC-10, allowing

MIDI sequence recorders, rhythm programmers,

computers or similar equipment to be synchronized
to playback of the MT3X.

Channel Faders

The channel faders are used to adjust the level
(volume) of the corresponding mixer channel’s sig­
nal, whether it comes from a source plugged into

an input jack or from the MT3X’s recorder section.

The faders are used to set up the optimum levels
when recording, and to balance (mix) the sound
from the recorder’s tracks when playing back a



