Punch-in/out recording, Footswitch punch-in/out – Yamaha MT3X User Manual

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Punch-in/out recording makes it possibie to re-record a short segment of an otherwise perfect track in order to correct
a mistake or “brush up” an important passage. You “punch-in" at the point where you begin recording the new
segment, and “punch-out” at the end of the new segment so that the previousiy-recorded materiai is not erased. The
MT3X AUTO PUNCH t/0 function makes this operation easier than ever.

Manual Punch-in/out Using the REC SE­

LECT Switches

1. Start the deck running — a few measures before

the section to be re-recorded begins — in the rec­

ord-ready mode by pressing the REC button and

then the PLAY button with ali track REC SELECT

switches set to OFF. The red REC indicator wili
flash indicating that the transport is in the record-
ready mode. The PHONES SELECT switch should
be set to MIX so you can hear all the tracks and the
source you are about to record.

Footswitch Punch-in/out

1. Plug a YAMAHA FS-1 (optional) footswitch into the

MT3X PUNCH I/O jack.

2. Set the REC SELECT switch for the track to be

punched-in to the appropriate record position, and
press the REC button to activate the rec/pause
mode. The red REC indicator should flash instead
of lighting continuously. If the red REC indicator
lights continuously, press the footswitch once so
that it flashes.

2. At a convenient break in the track switch the track

to be corrected to the record mode (punch-in by
switching the REC SELECT switch for that track to
the appropriate record position) and start playing
the new material to be recorded. The REC indicator
will light continuously as soon as the REC SELECT
switch is set to a record, position.

3. At the end of the re-recorded segment switch the

track back to the play mode (punch-out by switching
the REC SELECT switch for that track to OFF). The

red REC indicator will begin to flash.

3. Press the PLAY button to start the transport running

in the record-ready mode.

4. Press the footswitch to punch-in. The red REC indi­

cator will light continuously.

5. Press the footswitch a second time to punch-out.

The red REC indicator will begin to flash.





All tracks monitored in PLAY­

BACK mode (the deck is in the

REC mode, but the track REC







Begin playback


The record mode is engaged for

track 3 only when the track 3

REC SELECT switch is set to

an ON position.

it's a good idea to actually start playing a little

before the punch-in point.