Specifications – Yamaha MT3X User Manual

Page 28

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Tape Type


Tape Speed

Pitch Control

Wow & Flutter

Rewind Time

Chrome (70 microsec. EQ)

4-channel Permalloy rec/play head ,4-channel ferrite erase head
4.75 cm/sec., 9.5 cm/sec.

+ 10


Less than 0.15% WRMS

Approx. 100 sec., for C-60 tape

DC servo motors (2)


Input 1 & 2

Input Impedance

10 k-ohms

Rated Input Level

-10 dB to -50 dB (fader nominal)

Max. Input Level

+10 dB (gain control min.)

Min. Input Level

-56 dB (gain control, fader max.)

Input 3-6

Input Impedance

10 k-ohms

Rated Input Level

-10 dB (fader nominal)

Min. Input Level

-16 dB (fader max.)

Aux Return 1 & 2 (L,R)

Input Impedance

10 k-ohms

Rated Input Level

-10 dB (fader nominal)

Min. Input Level

-16 dB (fader max.)

Stereo Out L & R

Output Impedance

1 k-ohm

Load Impedance

Greater than 10 k-ohms

Rated Output Level

-10 dB into 50 k-ohms

Phones Out

Load Impedance

8 to 40 ohms

Max. Output Level

100 mW + 100 mW/40 ohms

Monitor Out L & R

Output Impedance

1 k-ohm

Load Impedance

Greater than 10 k-ohms

Rated Output Level

-10 dB into 50 k-ohms

Tape Out 1 to 4

Output Impedance

1 k-ohm

Load Impedance

Greater than 10 k-ohms

Rated Output Level

-10 dB into 50 k-ohms

Aux Send 1 & 2

Output Impedance

1 k-ohm

Load Impedance

Greater than 10 k-ohms

Rated Output Level

-10 dB Into 50 k-ohms

ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS---------------------------------------- -------------

Frequency Response (NR OUT)

40 Rz to 18 kHz, ± 3 dB at 9.5 cm/sec.

40 Hz to 12.5 kHz, ± 3 dB at 4.75 cm/sec.
85 dB, dbx ON, IHF-A

1.5%, 315 Hz (EIAJ)

Greater than 55 dB at 1 kHz

Greater than 70 dB at 1 kHz

dbx *



12 dB (HIGH: 10 kHz, LOW: 100 Hz)



Channel Separation

Erasure Ratio
Noise Reduction

Equaiizer (shelving)


Power Requirements

Power Consumption

Dimensions (WxHxD)


Canadian Models: 120 V AC, 60 Hz

General Model: 220/240 V A C , 50/60 Hz

U.S. & Canadian Models: 24 W

General Model: 19 W



107 x 325 mm (17-7/16” x 4-3/16" x 12-13/16")

U.S. & Canadian Models: 3.7 kg (8 lbs. 2 oz)
General Model: 3.9 kg (8 lbs. 10 oz)

’ dbx is a trademark of dbx Incorporated.

OdB = 0.775 Vr.m.s.

All specifications subject to change without notice.

