Transport controls, Cassette compartment, Note – Yamaha MT3X User Manual

Page 11: R note, Punch i/o footswitch jack, The controls and connectors

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Transport Controls

These light-touch electronic transport controls pro­
vide smooth, sure control of all tape transport func­

PLAY: Starts the transport running in the PLAY

mode. The green “PLAY” indicator in the cen­

tral display panel lights during playback.

RECORD: Press the REC button to enter the

“REC/PAUSE” mode. If all the REC SELECT
switches are turned OFF, the red REC indica­
tor will flash and the green PAUSE indicator

will light. If any of the REC SELECT switches

are set to a position other than OFF, both the
red REC and green PAUSE indicators will
light continuously. In this mode the transport

is not yet running and recording has not be­


From the REC/PAUSE mode, press the PLAY

button to actually start the transport running in

the RECORD mode (if any of the REC SE­

LECT switches are set to a position other

than OFF), or the RECORD-READY mode (if

all the REC SELECT switches are set to
OFF). The red REC and green PLAY indica­

tors both light during recording. The red REC

indicator will continue to flash and recording

will not occur if none of the REC SELECT

switches are set to a recording position.


buttons cause fast winding of the tape in the
specified direction.

STOP: Immediately stops the transport from any of

its operational modes.

' Cassette Compartment

Your cassette tape is loaded here. Use only high-
quality chrome (CrOa) formula cassette tape. Other
types of tape will not provide correct frequency
characteristics and minimum noise with the MT3X.

First flip up the cassette compartment lid (a lifter

tab is provided at the right side of the cover), then

insert the tape with the open end of the cassette
(the end at which you can see the tape) facing the
transport controls. Press the back (closed) edge of
the cassette down under the central retaining finger
at the rear of the cassette compartment, then press
the front (open) end down into the mechanism —
GENTLY! Close the compartment lid when ready.

NOTE: --------- ------------------------------ ----- -----

Since the MT3X uses the entire width of the cassette

tape to record four tracks, the cassette can only be

recorded on one side. If you attempt to flip the cas­
sette and record on the second side, you will erase

any previously recorded material.


Only tracks for which the REC SELECT switch is set
to a recording position will be recorded when the

RECORD mode is activated.

r NOTE: ------------------------------------------------------

The RECORD mode cannot be activated if a cas­
sette is loaded from which the record-prevention tab

has been removed.

PUNCH I/O Footswitch Jack

An optional YAMAHA FS-1 Footswitch can be con­
nected to this jack to permit foot-controlled punch-

in and punch-out recording (see “PUNCH-IN/OUT

RECORDING” on page 23).

PAUSE: Temporarily stops playback or recording.

The green PAUSE indicator will light when the

PAUSE mode is active. Press the PLAY but­

ton to disengage the PAUSE mode and con­
tinue playback or recording.
