Step 3: setting recording levels, Step 4: record, Step 3: setting recording levels step 4: record – Yamaha MT3X User Manual

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Setting optimum recording levels Is vitally Important to achieve the best possibie recording quality.

1. Start with the channel fader on the channel to be

used set to Its minimum (“0”) position, and the MIC/
LINE trim control (if you are recording via channel 1
or 2) set all the way to LINE.

2. Once everything is properly set up play the source

at the highest (loudest) level that it will be played

while actually recording.

3. Set the MASTER fader to about “7” or “8” on the

- scale, and gradually raise the channel fader until

you begin to hear the source sound and see the

LEFT and/or RIGHT level meters come to life. If

your source is an electric instrument (guitar or bass)
or a microphone and you are recording via channel

1 or 2, you may also have to slide the MIC/LINE

trimmer towards the MIC end of its scale to get a

sufficiently high meter reading. Adjust the channel

fader (and MIC/LINE trim control if applicable) so
that the meter reading averages between about “0”

and “+3” on the scale. The channel 1 or 2 CLIP
indicator should either not light at all, or light only
occasionally on high-level peaks. Ideally, the chan­
nel fader should be set at about “7” or “8” on Its

scale to achieve the above-mentioned meter read­
ing. This is to ensure the best possible signal-to-

noise ratio and allow plenty of plus and minus lee­
way for later adjustment. If the fader setting is way

off, try adjusting the volume control on the instru­

ment or other source until you can get the optimum
reading with a fader setting between “7” and “8.”


After assigning the input channel to a recorder track, checking the monitor settings and setting the optimum record

level for the new track, you're ready to record.

1. Make sure that a cassette has been loaded Into the

cassette compartment, and that it is wound to the
point at which you intend to start your recording. It’s
a good idea to press the counter RESET button to
set the counter to “0000” at this point so that you
can automatically locate the beginning of the re­
cording later using the ZERO STOP function.

2. Press the REC button and then the PLAY button to

start recording, wait a few seconds, and start play­

3. When you’ve finished recording the track, press the

STOP transport button, turn the REC SELECT
switch for the track just recorded OFF, rewind the

tape (the tape will stop automatically at counter

“0000” if the ZERO STOP function is ON).

4. Play back the recording (press the PLAY transport

control) and listen to the track to make sure that
everything went as planned.

- NOTE: -----------------------------------------------------

When recording the first track it is vital to record
some form of “count-in” prior to actually playing your

instrument! If you haven’t included a one- or two-
measure count-in in your first track, you’ll have a
heck of a time trying to coordinate the beginning of

your second track with the first.
