Tips – INCRA Build-It STS Mortiser User Manual

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INCRA Build-It STS Mortiser Manual

Page 9


By removing the faceplate assembly and using the T-Track
fence along with one of the Build-It hold down clamps, you
can cut slot mortises and dados across the grain. And by
angling the fence across the Build-It platform you can angle
the mortises as well.

A stop positioner should always be clamped to the T-Track
fence at the left end of your material and a Build-It Clamp
should be used to prevent slippage during the cut,

Fig. 29.

And again, always start and stop each cut cycle with the jig
against the outfeed travel limit stop block.


Cross Grain Mortises



Cutting Mortise in the Middle of Long Stock

Need to cut a mortise in the middle of a longer
board? Just use a square to place a mark all
the way up the faceplate and in line with the 8”
mark on the faceplate scale,

Fig. 30.

(Remember the 8” mark will always be used as
the center of your slot length.) Now place a
mark on your board at the center of the desired
slot location.

The mark should be placed on the board edge
opposite where the mortise will be cut.

Align this mark with the faceplate mark when
clamping your material,

Fig. 31.

through mortise

vertical mark on faceplate at 8”

align marks when

clamping material

mark center of slot

location on edge opposite where

slot is to be placed

Build-It Clamp