8vhu qrwhv – IKA C 2000 control User Manual
Page 11
-WERKE C 2000 basic / control
Ver. 04 08.07
In this chapter you can find out how to work through these Operating Instructions
most effectively to be able to work reliably with the calorimeter system.
Chapters 1 through 12 are designed for you to work through them in order. Chapter 3, “Transportation, storage and set-up location” is relevant for the reliability of the system and to ensure a high degree of accuracy in measurements. Chapter 4 describes the system components and Chapter 5 contains the basic principles of calorimetry. The calorimeter system is ready to conduct measurements as soon as you have performed the procedures in Chapter 6 “Set-up and commissioning“ and Chapter 7 “Preparing and performing measurements“. Evaluation of calibrations is described in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 describes how to evaluate determinations of gross calorific value and how to calculate reference states. Chapter 10 explains the option of simulating experi- ments with the calorimeter system. In Chapter 11 you will find some important notes on system upkeep and maintenance. Chapter 12 contains a list of simple malfunc- tions and how to eliminate them. You will find accessories, consumables and technical data on the device in Chapters 13 and 14, with the Index in Chapter 15. The figures c , d , e etc. in the following chapters indicate actions that must always be carried out in the sequence given. :DUUDQW\ In accordance with IKA warranty conditions, the warranty period is 12 months. For claims under the warranty please contact your local dealer. You may also send the machine direct to our works, enclosing the delivery invoice and giving reasons for the claim. You will be liable for freight costs. The warranty does not cover wearing parts, nor does it apply to faults resulting from improper use or insufficient care and maintenance contrary to the instructions in this operating manual. ZRUN WKURXJK &KDSWHUV SHUIRUPLQJ DQ H[SHULPHQW ☞