Saving a project, Save a project – Sony RM-AX4000 User Manual

Page 96

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Saving a project

You can save the


you are editing on your PC.

Saving a project under a different name

Saving a project

Saving a project under a different name

You can save a project under a different name.


Click "File " on the m e nu bar, the n s e le ct "Save as ."
The "Save as" dialog box appears.


Ente r a proje ct nam e unde r "Input a proje ct folde r nam e ," ne xt to





A dialog box appears for you to select a folder.


The "Save the project folder in" field show s the folder (location) in w hich you created a project or saved the project under a different name last time.
The first time you start AX Remote Editor, the field show s the Window s desktop.


Se le ct the folde r in w hich you w ant to s ave the proje ct, the n click "OK."

The display returns to the "Save as" dialog box, and the selected folder is displayed on the left side of



Click "OK."
The "Save as" dialog box closes, and the project is saved under the name entered in step 2.

Saving a project

You can save (overw rite) a project.


Click "File " on the m e nu bar, the n s e le ct "Save ."
The project you are editing is saved.

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