Sony RM-AX4000 User Manual

Page 114

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Sw itches the edit mode to Standard mode, allow ing more basic programming for components and XPRESS settings, etc.


Conne ction s tatus

Displays the connection status betw een your PC and the Remote Commander.

Whe n

appe ars

One Remote Commander is connected to the PC. You can send data.

Whe n

appe ars

Tw o or more Remote Commanders are connected to the PC. You cannot send data.

Whe n

appe ars

The Remote Commander is not connected to the PC. You cannot send data.


Dow nload to Re m ote button

Dow nloads the settings you made on AX Remote Editor to the Remote Commander.


Em ulate button

Starts the Emulator. By pressing the keys/buttons on the Emulator, the signal from the Remote Commander connected to your PC is sent to an AV

component to confirm that the settings made on AX Remote Editor w ill w ork properly.


Exit button

Exits AX Remote Editor.

Page 114