Creating a project in advanced mode – Sony RM-AX4000 User Manual

Page 95

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Creating a project in Advanced mode

You can create a


in Advanced mode.


Click "File " on the m e nu bar, the n s e le ct "Ne w ."
The "New Project" dialog box appears.


If the project you are editing is not saved, a message box appears asking you to confirm saving before the "New Project" dialog box appears. To save
the project, click "Yes," otherw ise, click "No."


Click "Advance d," the n click "OK."
The "New Project" w izard appears.


Ente r a proje ct nam e unde r "Input a proje ct folde r nam e ," ne xt to




unde r "Save the proje ct folde r in."

A dialog box appears for you to select a folder.


The "Save the project folder in" field show s the folder (location) in w hich you created a project or saved the project under a different name last time.
The first time you start AX Remote Editor, the field show s the Window s desktop.


Se le ct the folde r in w hich you w ant to cre ate the proje ct, the n click "OK."

The dialog box closes, and the selected folder is displayed to the left side of



Click "OK."
The "New " dialog box closes, and the new project named in step 3 is created. The project is displayed in Advanced mode on the AX Remote Editor

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