Nikon D7000 User Manual

Page 344

background image



Landscape (Set Picture Control) ....


Language .................................27, 238
Large (Image size).......................... 88
LCD ....................................................237
LCD brightness..............................237
LCD illumination...........................219
Lens .................. 25, 26, 159, 246, 269
Lens cap............................................. 25
Lens distance information ........146
Lens focus ring .................. 25, 55, 99
Lens mount ........................ 4, 25, 100
Lens VR switch.......................... 25, 26
Live view..................................... 49, 57
Live view switch....................... 49, 57
Live view/movie AF ..............50, 211
Local area network ......................280
Lock mirror up for cleaning ......286
Long exp. NR..................................205
Lossless compressed (Type) ....... 87


Magenta ................................ 119, 255
Main command dial ...................... 13
Manage Picture Control.............136
Manual ........................................ 71, 99
Manual (Flash cntrl for built-in


Manual focus ............................ 55, 99
Manual movie settings (Movie

settings) ........................................... 60

Max. continuous release............217
Maximum aperture .....................100
MB-D11 ...... 220, 221, 235, 242, 280
MB-D11 battery type ..................220
Medium (Image size) .................... 88
Memory buffer ......................... 38, 79
Memory card 29, 32, 236, 319, 320
Memory card capacity................320
Microphone...........................4, 57, 60
Microphone (Movie settings) .... 60
Miniature effect ............................263
Minimum aperture ................. 26, 67
Mired ................................................121
Mirror..................................80, 83, 286
Mirror up ................................7, 77, 83
Mode dial .............................................6
Modeling flash ..............................228
Monitor .................... 46, 49, 163, 237
Monitor cover .................................. 17
Monitor off delay..........................215
Monitor pre-flash ............... 146, 149

Monochrome (Set Picture Control)


Mounting mark ............................... 25
Movie quality (Movie settings).. 60
Movie settings................................. 60
Movie-record button .................... 58
Movies................................................ 57
Multiple exposure........................152
My Menu .........................................265


NEF ......................................85, 87, 204
NEF (RAW).........................85, 87, 258
NEF (RAW) bit depth ..................... 87
NEF (RAW) processing ................258
NEF (RAW) recording .................... 87
Neutral (Set Picture Control) ....131
Nikon Transfer 2.................. 179, 180
Non-CPU lens ...................... 159, 270
Non-CPU lens data.......................159
Number of focus points .............210
Number of shots...........................321


OK button (shooting mode).....229
Optimal quality (JPEG

compression) ................................. 87

Optional flash ...................... 224, 275
Output resolution (HDMI) .........194
Overflow (Role played by card in

Slot 2)................................................ 89

Overview data ...............................170


Page size (PictBridge) ....... 184, 187
Perspective control......................263
Photo info ............................. 165, 197
PictBridge.............................. 182, 318
Picture Controls .................. 131, 133
Playback ...................................46, 163
Playback folder..............................195
Playback information........ 165, 197
Playback menu..............................195
Playback slot and folder.............164
Playback zoom ..............................173
Portrait (Set Picture Control)....131
Power connector ................ 280, 282
Power switch.......................................2
Predictive focus tracking ............. 93
Preset manual (White balance) ......

117, 123

Press the shutter-release button

all the way down ................... 38, 39

Press the shutter-release button

halfway...................................... 38, 39

Print (DPOF)....................................185
Print select ......................................185
Print set (DPOF).............................189
Printing ............................................182
Programmed auto.......................... 68
Protecting photographs ............174


Quick retouch ................................260
Quick-response remote (Remote

control mode)................................ 80


Rank items (My Menu)................267
RAW Slot 1 - JPEG Slot 2 (Role

played by card in Slot 2)............. 89

Rear lens cap.................................... 25
Rear-curtain sync .........................145
Recent settings .............................268
Red intensifier (Filter effects) ...254
Red-eye correction ......................251
Red-eye reduction .......................145
Release button to use dial ........234
Release mode ..............................7, 77
Release mode dial......................7, 77
Release mode dial lock release ...7,


Remote Control.......... 7, 77, 80, 281
Remote control mode .................. 80
Remote cord ....................73, 83, 281
Remote mirror-up (Remote

control mode)................................ 80

Remove items (My Menu) .........266
Repeating flash ............ 76, 151, 224
Reset ..............................151, 202, 207
Reset custom settings ................207
Reset shooting menu .................202
Reset user settings......................... 76
Restoring default settings........151,

202, 207, 295

Retouch menu...............................248
Reverse indicators........................234
Role played by card in Slot 2...... 89
Rotate tall........................................200


Save selected frame ............... 63, 66
Save/load settings .......................244
Saving camera settings..............244
Scene mode ..................................... 40
Screen tips ......................................216
SD memory card.....29, 32, 89, 319,


Select date ...................177, 185, 196