F6: customize command dials – Nikon D7000 User Manual

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This option controls the operation of the main and sub-command dials.
• Reverse rotation: Controls the direction of the command dials. Choose No for normal

command dial operation, Yes to reverse the rotation of the command dials. This
setting also applies to the command dials for the MB-D11.

• Change main/sub: If Off is selected, the main command dial controls shutter speed

and the sub-command dial controls aperture. Select On (Mode A) to use the main
command dial to select aperture in shooting mode A, On to use the main
command dial to select aperture in modes A and M and the sub-command dial to
select shutter speed in modes S and M. This setting also applies to the command
dials for the MB-D11.

• Aperture setting: If Sub-command dial is selected, aperture can only be adjusted

with the sub-command dial (or with the main command dial if On is selected for
Change main/sub). Note that except in the case of PC-E NIKKOR lenses, the sub-
command dial can not be used to adjust aperture during live view; adjust aperture
before starting live view. If Aperture ring is selected, aperture can only be
adjusted with the lens aperture ring and the camera aperture display will show
aperture in increments of 1 EV (aperture for type G lenses is still set using the sub-
command dial). Note that regardless of the setting chosen, the aperture ring must
be used to adjust aperture when a non-CPU lens is attached.

• Menus and playback: If Off is selected, the multi selector is used to choose the picture

displayed during full-frame playback, highlight thumbnails, and navigate menus.
If On or On (image review excluded) is selected, the main command dial can be
used to choose the picture displayed during full-frame playback, move the cursor
left or right during thumbnail playback, and move the menu highlight bar up or
down, while the sub-command dial is used to display additional photo
information in full-frame playback and to move the cursor up or down during
thumbnail playback. Select On (image review excluded) to prevent the
command dials from being used for playback during image review. While menus
are displayed, rotating the sub-command dial right displays the sub-menu for the
selected option, while rotating it left displays the previous menu. To make a
selection, press

2 or J.

f6: Customize Command Dials

G button

➜ A Custom Settings menu