C4: monitor off delay, C5: remote on duration, D: shooting/display – Nikon D7000 User Manual

Page 235: D1: beep

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Choose how long the monitor remains on when no operations
are performed during playback (Playback; defaults to 10 s) and
image review (Image review; defaults to 4 s), when menus
(Menus; defaults to 20 s) or information (Information display;
defaults to 10 s) are displayed, or during live view and movie
recording (Live view; defaults to 10 minutes). Choose a shorter
monitor-off delay for longer battery life.

Choose how long the camera will remain on stand-by in remote
release mode (

0 80). If no operations are performed for the

selected period, remote shooting will end and the exposure
meters will turn off. Choose shorter times for longer battery life.
To reactivate remote mode after the timer has expired, press the
camera shutter-release button halfway.

Choose the pitch and volume of the beep that sounds when the camera focuses
using single-servo AF (AF-S or when single-servo AF is selected for AF-A;

0 50, 91),

when focus locks in live view, while the release timer is counting down in self-timer
and delayed remote release modes (

0 80), when a photograph is taken in quick-

response remote or remote mirror-up mode (

0 80), or if you attempt to take a

photograph when the memory card is locked (

0 33). Note that a beep will not

sound in quiet-shutter release mode (mode

J; 0 77), regardless of the option

• Volume: Choose 3 (high), 2 (medium), 1 (low) or Off (mute).

When an option other than Off is selected,

c appears in the

control panel and information display.

• Pitch: Choose High or Low.

c4: Monitor off Delay

G button

➜ A Custom Settings menu

c5: Remote on Duration

G button

➜ A Custom Settings menu

d: Shooting/Display

d1: Beep

G button

➜ A Custom Settings menu