Lokar TCB-40BG Throttle & Kickdown Bracket for Barry Grant Six Shooter User Manual
Throttle & kickdown bracket installation, Part # tcb-40bg

Building American Quality… With A Lifetime Warranty!
Step 2: Install Lokar billet aluminum linkage bracket to the rear
carburetor. Remove the two studs on rear carburetor. Use
the two supplied 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 cap screws to secure
bracket to carb.
(See Photo 2)
Step 3: Install the short progressive rod supplied by Barry Grant,
Inc. to the front and center carburetors. The rod needs to
be installed with the slotted rod end on the front carbure-
tor in the tapped hole; using the two Lokar supplied #10
flat washers and shoulder bolt. The washers go between
the carb throttle arm and slotted rod end to prevent inter-
ference between the rod end and linkage arm at wide
open throttle.
(See Photo 3)
Step 4: Install progressive rod and throttle cable rod end on
center carb. Use two Lokar #10 flat washers between
carb throttle arm and rod end. Stack throttle cable rod
end against progressive rod end. Install supplied 10-32
x 1-1/4 cap screw and #10 flat washer. Use the 10-32
nylock nut to lock this assembly into place. The rod
will be running down in the front when mounted.
(See Photo 4)
Step 5: Mount Lokar kickdown hex carb stub and spring return
tab. This installs on the bottom of the center carb. Slide
spring return tab on the hex carb fitting. Note: If a kick-
down cable is not being used, install spring return tab
using a 1/4-28 bolt and 1/4-28 nylock which are not
supplied in kit. The spring return tab needs to be on the
front side of the carb throttle arm. Install the nylock nut
on stud. Tighten this assembly up, and then back off
the nut enough so that the spring tab will swing free.
(See Photo 5)
Step 6: Install throttle return springs. Insert small diameter spring
inside the larger spring. One end of the spring attaches to
the spring tab on the center carb. The other end attaches
to the billet aluminum Lokar bracket in the small hole on
the bottom of bracket.
(See Photo 6)
StoP! Please read all installation instructions before
beginning installation. Call Lokar for any questions or
uncertainties during the installation.
WARNING: Disconnect battery before beginning
installation. Make sure vehicle is in Park. Before
making adjustments and taking shifter out of gear,
be sure that the vehicle’s parking brake is set and
scotched to avoid movement of the vehicle.
Throttle & Kickdown Bracket Installation
Step 1: Install the aluminum blocks to the bottom of the
carburetor throttle arms on the front and rear car-
buretors. Use the supplied 10-32 x 1/2 stainless
button head screws. (It is recommended that a
small amount of locktite be used on each screw.
Install long linkage rod to the front and rear carbu-
retors. This may be easier by removing carburetors
from intake manifold. Long linkage rod is to be
installed on the backside of the billet aluminum
block on the bottom of the carb throttle arm. Use
the two 1/2" diameter tapered Lokar spacers. These
go between the rod end and the carburetor alumi-
num block with the tapered end of the spacer
going against the rod end. Use the two supplied
10-32 x 1-1/4 stainless steel cap screws.
(See Photo 1) Install carburetors back onto intake.
Continued on back page…
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Throttle & Kickdown Bracket for Barry Grant Six Shooter
Part # TCB-40BG
© 2008 Lokar, Inc.
Rev. 01/31/08
Throttle & Kickdown Bracket for Barry Grant Six Shooter
Part # TCB-40BG
Step 7: Install throttle cable and kickdown cable. This
bracket is designed to work with Lokar’s throttle
and kickdown cables. Refer to Lokar throttle and
kickdown installation instructions.
Kit Contents:
2) 5/16-18 x 1 1/4 socket head cap screws
(Lokar billet bracket to carburetor)
2) 10-32 x 1 1/4 socket head cap screws stainless
(Long secondary rod)
2) 1/2 tapered aluminum spacers (long secondary rod)
1) 10-32 x 1 1/4 socket head cap screw stainless
(short rod center carb)
5) #10 flat washers stainless (3 on center rod end,
2 on progressive rod end)
1) 1/4 x 3/8 shoulder bolt (short rod on slotted end
front carb)
1) 10-32 nylock nut (Center carb. Short rod &
throttle rod end)
1) #10 female rod end (for throttle cable)
1) Spring return tab
2) Long return springs
2) Aluminum blocks (bottom of linkage arms front
and rear carburetors)
2) 10-32 x 1/2 stainless button head screws
(hold aluminum blocks to throttle linkage)
Parts that will not be used from BG SixShooter Kit:
2) Carburetor hold down studs
2) Carburetor hold down lock washers
2) Carburetor hold down nuts
4) 7/16 diameter brass spacers
3) 10-32 nylock nuts
3) 10-32 x 1" cap screws